Запрошуємо на тренінговий курс “InFormal Creativity”

Dear friends! We are looking for participants to the long-term training course InFormal Creativity.

InFormal Creativity was born from the idea to empower youth workers, trainers, and educators to use interactive and creative methods in education and equip them with skills of graphic facilitation, visual thinking tools, graphic recording, and other tools of visualisation in order to support & foster the educational process, empower youth motivation, ensure effective communication and increase learning results.

Objectives of the TC 1:

  1. To increase awareness of using visual thinking tools in youth work and education.
  2. To learn what are those tools and how to apply them to concrete educational practice
  3. To create a common “graphical vocabulary” that can be shared with more youth trainers and youth workers afterward
  4. To explore different art and graphic techniques and define how they can be useful in work with various inclusion groups
  1. To try out different techniques and identify what fits more to participants’ own personal facilitating style and educational environment
  2. To become more self-expressive and to reduce risks of misunderstanding
  3. To learn how to stimulate critical thinking with creative tools to promote non-violent communication by using creative methods and tools It’ll be followed by a practical phase when participants will try to apply the creative educational tools in their local communities.

This training course will consist of 3 parts.

1) The first training course “InFormal Creativity Graphic”-  20-28  October 2021 in Nachod, Czech Republic. The full programme is 7 working days and 2 travel days

It’ll focus on graphic facilitation and visual thinking tools including infographics, mindmaps, sketch notes and other visualization educational instruments

2) Local practice phase – will consist of two parts, first sharing gained knowledge with local educators and youth workers through implementation of local workshops. The second will be using gained knowledge, skill and practice outcomes in own educational youth work. Testing, adjusting and developing further.

3) The second training course – 01-09 March 2022 in Ukraine and will focus on the usage of interactive and creative methods in education including video making, presentation, spot motion, comic making, educational games etc.

The full programme is 7 working days + 2 travel days


  • age 18+
  • fluent in English (B2+)
  • involved in educational projects with young people either in formal or non-formal contexts
  • connected to the topic of youth empowerment
  • aware of their own learning needs (personal and professional)
  • committed to going through the whole long-term learning process including 2 residential training courses
  • all participants will be asked to submit reports for the practice phase
  • committed for self-directed learning & learning outcomes
  • committed to disseminate the results of the training course.

? Preferably all participants should be fully vaccinated.

Participation fees – 1200 uah + 30 eur.

Transport costs will be reimbursed. Insurance is under participants responsibility.

➡️ To apply, please fill in the form: https://forms.gle/4URaG2udu4hbBAvR7 until 03/10/21



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