Ярмарок кар’єри для людей з інвалідністю, які хочуть працювати в International Public Sector

Що: online recruitment event

Назва: Global Careers For Persons With Disabilities

Коли: 14 October

Організатор: Global Careers Jobs & Events

Реєстрація: https://gcfjobs.com/2QS2yRG

Для кого: Persons with Disabilities from around the world.

Вимоги до учасників:

  • більше 3 років досвіду роботи, включаючи стажування
  • мінімум освіта бакалавра
  • знання двох іноземних мов, включаючи англійську
  • мотивація працювати у International Public Sector organisation

Опис проєкту: 

You will have a chance to speak 1-2-1 online with UNV recruiters about UN Volunteer opportunities.

Are you a person with disability looking for your next career move?

To assist the International Public Sector Organisations in accelerating inclusion and equality in the work place, Global Careers is organising this unique Online Careers for Disabled Persons. Multiple organisations will participate in the event and engage with talented persons with disabilities looking for a new challenge.

Essential Criteria to access the event:

  • Do you have more than 3 years of work experience (Excluding internships)?
  • Do you hold a Bachelors’ Degree as a minimum?
  • Do you have language skills? (Most organisations typically require at least 2 languages including English)
  • Are you motivated to work for an International Public Sector organisation or are considering returning to the sector?

A full list of participating organisations will be available shortly.

Why register for this event?

You’ll receive early access to exclusive employer information and opportunities.

Choose which employers you want to interact with and then engage in one-on-one text-based conversations directly with a recruiter at those organisations, without leaving your office or home.


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