Німеччина: волонтерство у центрі для молоді та сімей

НГО “Стелла” шукає учасника для довгострокового волонтерства у чарівній Німеччині. Потрібен волонтер, який буде працювати в проекті International Education & Facility Management.

Місце: Берлін

Дати: 1 липня 2020 – 31 червня 20201

Вік: від 18 до 30 років

Проект фінансується Європейською Комісією, а отже всі витрати на проживання, харчування, транспорт, кишенькові витрати та страхування забезпечуються грантом.

Приймаюча організація – більше інфо ось тут.

Більше інформації про проект англійською мовою:

FEZ-Berlin is Europe’s biggest Youth and Family Center. It offers creative games, fun and relaxation and its programme includes education, new experiences and culture. The most unique themes dealt with are: global

learning, sustainable development, culture, Ecology, Space travel, Educational methods through sport and games, and international mobility progammes. The 100.000 m² outdoor and 13.000 m² indoor areas allow FEZ to be the ideal place for numerous projects. The Astrid-Lindgren Stage with its 588 seats offers an interesting theater programme for children and families. The Museum for Children in FEZ presents various themed exhibitions within its 450 m² area. Children experience in the Orbital the fascination and use of space travel. The swimming pool and sports court, the concert hall, cinema and the attractive playgrounds are most inviting to come and try them out. Around one million people visit FEZ every year.

The methods FEZ-Berlin uses to carry out its projects are participation and inclusion-oriented forms of action which invite individuals to become actively involved and to gather authentic experiences of open dialog and

cooperation, of intercultural and interreligious exchange. Our volunteers will become ambassadors of our work and after the EVS period they will have received concrete work experience for their transition on to a job.

Relevant to this project is that FEZ-Berlin operates through its department “Europe and International Work” in  order to increase exchanges with and knowledge about other cultures and countries. In this context we would like to give four European volunteers the chance to spend a year in Germany and through work, to get to know the country and experience working in international, educational project management. We hope the volunteers will

help us with our school and family projects as well as with large scale participation projects such as: “Religions of the Word”, “Games of the World”, Fezitty” etc. We organise yearly, among other projects, international youth trainings, as well as week-long country- and language-themed projects which convey to a large public European Union awareness.

With our project we target the topics of european awareness, youth participation and the fight against youth unemployment.

The mobility project will empower the volunteers to achieve with self-esteem, responsibility and independence.

The volunteers will actively be involved in the planning, implementation and evaluation phases and will successively accept more responsibility and gradually become independent. Throughout the project the activities

are carried on in tandem or in teams, thus the volunteers will acquire social skills, the ability to cooperate, compromise and solve conflicts.

How to apply 

Prepare a motivational letter or something creative to present

yourself and the reasons why you would be the best candidate for the project. Remember to include your passions, European values and what makes you unique! Send us a Curriculum Vitae and presentation at m.kunsmann@fez-berlin.de, where you can also contact us for further information.

Надішліть заявку на вказаний імейл та вкажіть в темі листа назву проекта. В тексті листа так само вкажіть, що ви подаєте заявку від української організації “Стелла”.

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