Всесвітній молодіжний форум “Right to Dialogue”

Молоді люди віком від 18 до 35 років незалежно від національності запрошуються до участі у молодіжіному форумі “Right to Dialogue”, який буде присвячено обговоренню нових суспільних викліків, цінностей та стратегій.

Дати: 2 – 4 жовтня 2015 року.

Місце: Трієст, Італія.

Дедлайн: 10 червня 2015 року.

Детальний опис англійською:

Theme: Old and new poverties. Europe and other worlds
The following fields of discussion are suggested:

  • Values
    Goods and values; economic and cultural values; modern and postmodern between ethics and economics.
  • Culture of wealth / culture of well-being
    From welfare to the «economics of happiness»? Needs and histories.
  • Strategies
    Out of poverty: growth or degrowth? Is there a global economy?
  • New poverties
    Loss of memory, loss of beauty, loss of identities, loss of rights: towards the «bare life»?

Participants are invited to present their own proposals within the suggested fields of discussion, or to present different topics / panels (within the given general theme) bringing their own local experiences, views and inputs from different scientific fields in a transdisciplinary perspective (economics, social sciences, history, psychology, arts, cultural studies, political science… )

Participation process
The present call is addressed to young adults aged 18 to 35, without distinction as to nationality.
The Forum works will be conducted both in Italian and in English; simultaneous translation from/to both languages will be provided.
Those who are interested in taking part to the Forum must apply by filling the form available on the organization’s website (www.castellodiduinopoesia.org) and eventually sending it to dirittodidialogo@gmail.com. The organizers don’t guarantee that later applications will be taken into consideration.

The Forum’s organization will provide a 4 nights accommodation (lodging only) for the speakers: check-in will be on October 1st, check-out on October 5th.

Travel costs
The organization will contribute to the travel costs the selected speakers will have to sustain, for an amount that will not exceed 500 € per person. Given this threshold, the extent of the contribution will depend upon which party purchases the tickets.

Prof. Gabriella Valera
Cattedra di Storia e Critica della Storiografia
Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici Università di Trieste
Direttore Centro Internazionale di Studi e Documentazione per la Cultura Giovanile

Associazione Poesia e Solidarietà
Via Matteotti 21
34138 Trieste
tel.: +39.040.638787
mail: dirittodidialogo@gmail.com

Джерело: http://home.castellodiduinopoesia.org/news/forum-mondiale-dei-giovani-diritto-di-dialogo-viii-edizione-2-4-ottobre-2015-il-bando-e-lapplication-form/?lang=en

Фото Gianfranco Berini

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