Молодіжний обмін “Express yourself”

НГО “Стелла” шукає 11 учасників молодіжного обміну, що відбудеться в Румунії з 31 серпня по 9 вересня.

Дедлайн – 24 липня.

Детальний опис англійською:


  • Raising awareness on the concept of healthy living, the importance of physical movement and a balanced diet, face to face socialization, among a number of 55 participants, during 6 months of the project, with an agenda of activities in which they will be directly involved
  • Increasing social tolerance and openness to social inclusion, of a number of 55 young people during 6 months of the project, through sport activities / workshops of dance and non-formal education
  • Promotion of sports activities among youth in the community for the adoption of a balanced lifestyle – long-term goal
  • Increasing social inclusion of youth at risk with partner associations working through non-formal and sporting activities (eg young people with ASD Romania, Jordan refugee youth / young deficient views)
  • Increasing operational capacity of partner associations on the implementation of measures of social inclusion in the community through sport / dance categories of youth at risk are in the communities they serve



  • Aged 17 – 25 year old
  • Gender balance inside the group MANDATORY for the activities development
  • Motivated and able to take part to all activities of the project
  • Half of the group to have experience in practicing a sport and a healthy lifestyle and half of the group without any experience

Financial conditions

This project is financed by Erasmus+ Programme:

  • Travel costs are 100 % covered within the limit according to the rules of Erasmus+ programme
  • Food and accommodation will be covered for the entire project – 100%
  • Fee – 30 euros

Джерело та аплікаційна форма: http://ngo-stella.org/projects/express-yourself




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