Літня школа в Кембриджі

EucA Cambridge Summer School – щорічний захід, який збирає студентів для цікавих дискусій, симуляційних ігор та обговорення актуальних проблем Європи.

Дати: 30 серпня – 14 вересня 2016 року.

Місце: Кембридж, Великобританія.

Дедлайн: 22 травня.

Детальний опис англійською:

Refugee crisis, increasing distrust between politicians and ever-disengaged voters, British referendum on EU membership: these are just some of the challenges to the European project as we have thought of it so far.

We hope to discuss these issues (and many more!) with highly motivated students in Cambridge, during our annual EucA Cambridge Summer School. For the 7th edition, EucA will bring to Newnham College around 20 students with scholars, decision makers and artists from all over Europe to engage in thought- provoking debates. Role plays, simulations and social activities will also contribute to make the Summer School a life changing experience!

The next edition of EucA Cambridge Summer School – entitled “European Political Identity at the Crossroads: Whither European Integration?” – will take place from August 30th to September 14th, 2016.

Interested students can apply, sending to info@euca.eu:

  • their CV;
  • an one-minute video where they are required to explain why they want to take part in the Summer School, and what they hope to achieve by participating;
  • a review based on one of the articles proposed by EucA (between 800/1000 words). The list of articles is below in the attached call for applications.

All the above-mentioned documents should be sent in English.

Shortlisted candidates will be then interviewed on Skype by the EucA staff to know better their academic record, personal interests, motivation and linguistic competences.

The deadline to send applications is May 22nd 2016.

Додаткова інформація: 5011_euca-cambridge-summer-school-2016-call-for-applications_22-may_2016

Джерело: http://www.euca.eu/en/nws/applications-open-for-the-7th-euca-cambridge-summer-school.aspx

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