Короткотерміновий проект “ESC TEAM” у сонячній Болгарії

Шукаємо учасників віком від 18 до 23 років на проект Європейського Корпусу Солідарності (ESC) у Благоєвграді у Болгарії.

Title of the project: ESC TEAM: Time for Engagement, Action and Mentorship
Dates: 01.07.2021 – 31.07.2021 (1 month)
Places: 3 participants
Location: Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria
Hosting Organization: Active Bulgarian Society
Information about the project: The TEAM project’s main goal is to create a learning environment for young people with fewer opportunities from partner and program countries. We want the participants to enhance their social capital and get on their path of social development. At the same time, the project aims to contribute to the reinforcement of intercultural dialogue, promote solidarity, youth policy, active citizenship, and European awareness in the area of Blagoevgrad. We will provide young people with an opportunity to undertake volunteering mobility in a youth organization that is an active youth work provider in its area, as ABS is in Blagoevgrad. Thus, we will create a win-win situation: the local community of Blagoevgrad greatly benefits from raised intercultural awareness and European citizenship, understanding better the main principles and specific objectives of the ESC Program, while the volunteers acquire unique knowledge that impacts their employability potential and the practices they learn can be reduplicated in their home communities. Moreover, the skills and competencies the participants will acquire through participating in TEAM are transferable, which means that they will help them in the future to find a job or when applying for a university degree, internship, or other relevant fields.


  • 18 – 23 years old;
  • able to communicate in English;
  • motivated, proactive, and with an initiative to carry out their own projects;
  • ready to work in an intercultural atmosphere;
  • is able to adapt to new situations and enjoys teamwork;
  • has experience organizing workshops and activities, and is willing to learn.

How will you benefit from the project:

  • you will develop your soft skills and your technical skills;
  • you will be able to express yourself more comfortably in English;
  • you will gain creative and innovative ideas;
  • you will make friends from all over the world;
  • you will learn how to plan and organize events;
  • you will increase your level of active citizenship.
Food and Pocket money: Volunteers will get 80 euros per month (or the equivalent in Bulgarian currency) for food and 120 euros for pocket money.
Accommodation: Volunteers will be accommodated in a shared room with another volunteer (of the same sex) in their own fully furnished flat, with all needed kitchen utensils, which is situated 15 minutes walking to the office and the city center. The flat has all the necessary facilities for living.
P.S. Costs related to COVID19 tests are NOT covered by the project
Deadline for applications 14.05.2021
You can apply by the link of ABS or fill the form from Pangeya Ultima


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