Подача на Erasmus Mundus: магістратура за кордоном з повним фінансуванням

Назва: Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degrees (EMJMDs)

Що: навчання на магістратурі за кордоном з повним фінансуванням

Подача документів: з жовтня 2021 по січень 2022

Щоб взяти участь:  1) оберіть магістерську програму в каталозі тут; 2) подача документів; 3) відбір

Минулого року Андріана поділилися з Unistudy своїм досвідом навчання на цій програмі – читайте тут!

Офіційна сторінка програми EMJMDs

Опис програми 

An Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree (EMJMD) is a prestigious, integrated, international study programme, jointly delivered by an international consortium of higher education institutions. Most consortia require applications to be submitted between October and January for courses starting the following academic year.

Applicant profile

  • Students at Master’s level from any country worldwide may apply.
  • You must have obtained a first higher education degree or demonstrate a recognised equivalent level of learning, according to national legislation and practices, in the degree awarding countries. You may also apply if you are in the final year of your first degree studies and will graduate before the master’s programme starts.

About Erasmus Mundus Joint Masters

Erasmus Mundus Joint Masters are high-level integrated study programmes at master level.  The programmes are designed and delivered by an international partnership of higher education institutions from different countries worldwide.

Erasmus+ funds scholarships for students to take part in these programmes. The masters programmes themselves offer these scholarships to the best-ranked student applicants worldwide, in annual application rounds.

EU scholarships cover the cost of a student’s participation in the programme, travel, and a living allowance.

Activities and outcomes

  • Erasmus Mundus joint masters programmes provide 60, 90 or 120 ECTS credits. This means that they last from a minimum of 12 months to a maximum of 24 months. The majority are 24-month programmes.
  • Your study must comprise at least 2 study periods in 2 countries (different from your country of residence). Programmes offer different study tracks that meet this condition.
  • The successful completion of the study programme will lead to the award of either a joint degree (i.e. one single degree certificate issued on behalf of at least two higher education institutions of the EMJMD consortium) or multiple degrees (i.e. at least two degree certificates issued by two higher education institutions of the consortium).

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