Літнє стажування в галузі досліджень раку

8-тижнева програма розрахована на амбітних студентів, що навчаються на магістерських програмах та прагнуть здобути досвід лабораторних досліджень.

Дати: 1 серпня – 30 вересня 2018 року.

Місце: Гейдельберг, Німеччина.

Дедлайн: 1 березня.

Детальний опис англійською:

The DKFZ Summer Internship is an 8-week program for outstanding and ambitiousmaster’s students who are interested in gaining laboratory research experience.

Students of the Summer Internship spend two months working in a laboratory at the DKFZ where they participate in cutting-edge, cancer-related research and interact with leading scientists in the field as well as with fellow students from around the world.

During their internship, students take part in the Internship Core Course which includes professional skills courses about topics related to scientific presenting and communication and scientific seminars about recent research at the DKFZ. In addition, students are connected with the DKFZ PhD student community and are invited to join outings and events in and around Heidelberg.

Who is eligible to apply?

To be eligible to apply for the DKFZ Summer Internship you must be working towards a master’s degree and be able to provide proof that you are enrolled in a university for the full duration of the internship (i.e. until the end of September). If you already hold a master’s degree, unfortunately you are not eligible to apply for the Internship. You should be ambitious, hardworking and have a desire to gain more experience working in the lab.

You must be able to take part in the full internship, which takes place from 1st August – 30th September.

How to Apply

Applications for the DKFZ Summer Internship should be submitted through our Summer Internship Online Application System. Please submit your application in English.

We particularly encourage applications from international students. Applications for the DKFZ Summer Internship should be submitted in English through our Summer Internship Online Application System. The system will open again in December 2016. The next application deadline is 1st March 2017.

As part of your application, you will be asked to provide electronic copies (PDF format) of the following documents (in English):

  • university registration certificate that confirms your status as a student for the full duration of the internship
  • university transcript of records
  • high school certificate(s)

In addition, you will be asked to provide a letter of support from your university supervisor/advisor.

Should you be shortlisted for the second round of review, you will have the chance to select from a list of summer research projects.


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  1. 1 Лютого, 2016

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