Молодіжна зустріч “Culture. World. Me.”

Українська молодь запрошується до участі в зустрічі “Culture. World. Me.”, під час якої в учасників буде можливість дізнатися більше про культурний спадок та його вплив на суспільство.

Дати: 31 жовтня – 7 листопада 2015 року.

Місце: Osnabruck, Menslage, Німеччина

Дедлайн: 30 вересня.

Детальний опис англійською:

What are my cultural roots? How does my cultural heritage influence me within society? What are similarities and differences between our cultures and how can we value them? And in what way do I take position in a global context? The main objective of the project is to share cultural concepts and discuss their benefits and limitations for European dialogue and thus foster intercultural understanding. We want to encourage young adults to gain more confidence in their cultural heritage and at the same time to develop creative competences for their daily lives.

Participants will be invited to take part in the project even before the start of main activity through online platform.

A gradual transition will be made from interactive workshops towards creative ones. During those workshops we are going to focus on such topics as stereotypes and prejudices, traditions, communication of differences, and relations between individual, their culture and communities. Introducing the media of theatre, video and audio record during creative workshops we continue and deepen the dialogue of cultures through artistic group process to express ideas, finding new ways of approaching a topic and to explore how everyone can be more active and motivated in their environment through the value of own culture.

Eligibility criteria: Participants aged 18 to 25 (if you want to apply as a volunteer this criteria does not apply); be from Germany or Ukraine; good English communication skills required; motivated to work on the topic of culture and active citizenship.

Costs: Accommodation and food will be provided by the organisers for the whole duration of the exchange. 100% of travel expenses will be reimbursed up to 270 EUR for Ukrainian participants and 25 EUR for German participants.

In order to apply submit an online application form: https://goo.gl/lZFuwk

Джерело: https://cultureworldme.wordpress.com/2015/09/01/youth-from-germany-and-ukraine-are-welcome-to-join-the-project-on-the-topic-of-culture-and-active-citizenship/

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