Терміново! Волонтерство у сонячній Хорватії

Терміново! Волонтерство у сонячній Хорватії від НГО “Стелла”! Казкова можливість розпочати рік по-новому!

Коли: січень 2021 – січень 2022 (12 місяців)

Де: Ліпік, Хорватія

Дедлайн: якомога швидше! Заявки розглядатимуться по мірі надходження.

Головна тема проекту – організація локальних заходів для місцевої громади, а також робота з дітками та підлітками з неблагополучних родин.

ESC volunteering in the Centre for offering social services to the community of Lipik!

The aim of the project is to strengthen the local communities of Lipik by offering new and interesting workshops and events to their communities especially to the most vulnerable groups such as young people and elderly living in Lipik and its surrounding.

The goal is to turn Lipik into a city for international volunteers that can bring new life to the small community.

We hope to achieve this by organize events and workshops together and creating a support net and a space for peers to

learn from each other.


1) Working with the young people in the Center, organizing and creating new activities, helping the stuff with existing activities, planning field trips, working with different groups.

2) Planning and organizing local events with other volunteers

3) Planning and executing your own personal projects with the help of their mentor, tutors, and local volunteers.


Centar za pružanje usluga u zajednici Lipik. The centre has a long tradition of working with volunteers and was the first institution working with international volunteers since 1989. It is a social care institution that offers social service in the form of accommodation, residence, organized housing, counselling, and home help services.

These services are provided to children without parents or without adequate parental care, children whose development has been compromised because of their own families, and the elderly and others who are in dire need of help from another person. The institution has 21 employees, of which 12 are professionals: educators, social workers, psychologists. The volunteer would be supporting the social workers in their regular activities and will also have the space to offer workshops to the children staying there.


Ocean Znanja is the coordinating organization for this project, this means that they will be the ones taking care of the finances of the project. They have been hosting and coordinating international volunteers since 2018 and more then 30 volunteers have successfully finished their volunteering projects.

Ocean Znanja is a platform for young people that through its activities enable an exchange of knowledge and acquisition of new skills. We create and give space to young people where they can show and share their skills regardless of their formal education and by participating in our educational activities they are acquiring new knowledge and skills.

We want to help young people to develop trust in their own abilities, to gain the courage to be what they want to be, and to create a chance for them to connect and create a network with other youth on the local and international levels.


Young people between 18 and 30 y.o. interested in improving their skills and developing themselves further, motivated people who want to be part of the change they wish to see in the world and they are passionate about working with different groups.

The most important characteristics for working in the Centre are high level of motivation in working with youngsters, self initiative, patience, flexibility, openness to others and adaptability. Collaboration and cooperation are the main

working approaches in the Centre and this is also something the volunteers should accept as their working approach.

The young people will require a lot of attention and flexibility. It will be very important to have fun and that the person is open to the children. The volunteer will have the opportunity to work with 6 different groups. The volunteer should be interested and willing to learn Croatian because it will be very important in developing a connection with the children.

More info is here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/au0q8f7v0g5xmln/SMILE_infopack_centar_za_pruzanje_usluga-1%20%281%29.pdf?dl=0

In order to apply, please send your CV and the motivational letter to evs@ngo-stella.org with the name of the project “ESC in Croatia, Lipik”.

Нехай 2021 рік стане незабутнім!!!

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