Терміново: дві волонтерські вакансії у Словенії

Pangeya Ultima шукає 1 хлопця та 1 дівчину віком від 18 до 30 років на проект Європейського Корпусу Солідарності (ESC) у Словенії.

Title of the project: COMPASS PROJECT. Skills, empowernment and orientation for youth people throught volunteering activities in international groups

Dates: 10 September 2021- 09 November 2021

Location: Slovenia

Hosting Organization: Zavod Manipura

About organization:

Zavod Manipura is a small NGO with many years of experiences in international volunteering for young people. We‘ve been an accredited hosting & sending organisation from 2008 and so far we‘ve hosted more than 200 volunteers from many different countries. Solidarity activities in our organization are focused on different topics – we support charity organizations, help in local community, support environmental organisations, NGOs for animals in need, we help elderly and families in need and organize workshops for youth and people with special needs. Next to the international volunteering projects we offer trainings for youth workers, trainings for parents, experiential learning projects, psychological counselling and psychotherapy.

About the project:

We prepared a 2 months programme for young people who are eager to meet new friends from different countries, are ready to accept the challenge of living together for 2 months, who want to get experiences with different groups and topics and enjoy our beautiful and peaceful environment. The programme consist of different solidarity activities, workshops for youth, handicrafts, practical work and educational workshops for volunteers:

  • workshops for youth in different organizations, especially for the local support programme for school drop-outs
  • solidarity actions in Karitas
  • helping environmental NGOs
  • helping in the shelter for rescued wild animals or in the sanctuary for domestic animals
  • helping elderly with practical work
  • helping families, especially foster families with practical work
  • taking care of the local castle ruins and the surrondings of the church.

The working week starts on Tuesday and ends on Saturday. During the week we start at 9.h and finish at  14.h and on Saturdays we work from 16.h till 20.h. At least once a week we have a solidarity action in another city and we need to leave earlier.

Tuesdays are usually reserved for handicrafts and practical work (building the new center, preparing wood for the winter, work in the garden, handicrafts with wood etc.).

On Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays we do some of the following activities:

On Saturdays we organize youth club activities and we continue with practical work.

Next to this we help mountain association with inclusion hikes in the mountains (pushing wheelchairs). The inclusion hikes are organized on average once a month, mostly on Saturdays or Sundays and we need to leave early in the morning, sometimes at 5. a.m.

At least twice a year we organize an event for youth and we help with other events in local community.

Solidarity work in the local community:

We take care of the surroundings of the local church, and castle ruins. We help with cleaning actions and different non-profit events in our community: Celebration of the Liberation Day, Carnival for children, Midsummer’s Eve Bonfire, Christmas programme for children, Day of Volunteering.

Solidarity actions in the charity organizations: We support Karitas and other charity organizations during different charity actions:

  • packing food and school items
  • packing promotion materials for fund raising
  • reparing old wheelchairs etc.

Helping elderly and families in need: we help with practical work like cleaning, mowing grass, preparing wood, renovations, with work on the fields and farms

Solidarity activities for animals:

Workshops for youth:

  • free time activities for youth every Saturday afternoon
  • intercultural learning workshops for youth
  • sport day for youth every autumn

Handicrafts and practical work in our center:

  • construction work in the new house
  • renovations in the house
  • preparing wood for the winter
  • wood & natural materials handicrafts

House for the volunteers: HOLIDAY HOME PLANINA is situated in village Leše, next to Tržič. The flat for the volunteers has 4 bedrooms, kitchen, living room, a sunny terrace and 2 bathrooms.. Each bedroom is for 2 or 3 volunteers. We have hand-football table and table tennis, there is a small basketball court next to the house and tennis courts 200 m away.

To ensure that everybody feels good, all of us follow some BASIC RULES:

  • respect for each other, the house and environment
  • smoking only on the terrace
  • no drugs
  • no alcohol in the house
  • respecting night silence and the neighbours



LOCAL TRAVELLING: 40 EUR per month (electronic bus card)


Deadline for applications: AS SOON AS POSSIBLE

You can fill the form from Pangeya Ultima

European Solidarity Corps covers accommodation, pocket money, money for food, transportation, insurance, visa assistance, training during the project and learning the national language.

The European Solidarity Corps is the new European Union initiative which creates opportunities for young people to volunteer or work in projects in their own country or abroad that benefit communities and people around Europe.

The young people who participate in the European Solidarity Corps will all agree with and uphold its Mission and Principles.

You can register for the European Solidarity Corps when you are 17 years old, but you cannot start a project until you are over 18. European Solidarity Corps projects will be available to people up to the age of 30 years old.

*Центр розвитку Пангея Ультіма зазначає свою готовність до захисту приватності аплікантів. Вся особиста інформація від аплікантів збиратиметься лише для обробки заявок на даний проект/подію, для комунікації із заявниками щодо логістики та організації відшкодувань. При необхідності вся чутлива інформація від аплікантів буде анонімізована на основі запитів від них. ЦР Пангея Ультіма обіцяє не розповсюджувати особисту інформацію заявників із іншими сторонами окрім як із особами прямо задіяними у процес організації даного проекту/події. Всі апліканти розуміють, що при наданні доступу до особистої інформації з цілю подання заявок на участь, вони автоматично надають організаторам згоду на обробку та зберігання власних персональних даних.

*Development center Pangeya Ultima is fully committed to protecting all applicants’ privacy. Information collected will be only used for the purpose of processing the applications, communicating with selected participants, for logistics purposes and travel costs reimbursement. Where sensitive, all the personal details of the applicants will be anonymised upon request. DC Pangeya Ultima pledges not to pass on the collected information to any other party besides those who are directly involved in the organization of the above project/event. By submitting their applications and providing access to personal information all applicants understand that they automatically give consent to processing and storing of own personal data.

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