Волонтерство ООН в Китаї

Що: волонтер/ка ООН

Позиція: Lead Innovation Researcher

Де: Пекін, Китай

Організація: Програма розвитку ООН (UNDP)

Дедлайн: 20 вересня, початок програми 1 жовтня


  • знати англійську, китайська – велика перевага
  • досвід 3-5 років у таких сферах: knowledge management, archiving and documentation, Monitoring and evaluation, Resource mobilization, partnership and donor coordination
  • вища освіта in Social Sciences, Economics, Business Management, International Development, Political Sciences
  • вік мінімум 25 років


  • контракт на рік з можливістю продовдження
  • стипендія щомісяця $2620 + кошти на переїзд, страхування, візу тощо

Повна інформація про вакансію та джерело тут

Що буде робити і де працюват волонтер/ка?

Under the supervision of Communication and Innovation Officer under the Communications, Innovation and Partnerships team at UNDP, and Director of Programme Management Office (PMO), the International UNV will undertake the following tasks to support the development of UNDP Innovation Lab as well as project implementation and management:

Innovation Research

  • Provides support to Communication and Innovation Officer under the Communications, Innovation and Partnerships team at UNDP and the head of PMO in the overall implementation of UNDP SDGs Innovation Pilot Project;
  • Leads academic research related with: (1) digital cooperation and the development of sustainable development goals; (2) Investment for sustainable development goals; (3) innovation and technology for social good; (4) sustainable business model for SMEs; and (5) digital economy, etc.
  • Monitors and analyzes current and emerging issues related to the development of digital response to build resilience.
  • Maintains and develops an established knowledge and network of contacts for research purpose.
  • Develops specific data collection plans and strategies to improve lab capacity to collect data for innovation research.
  • Analyzes qualitative and quantitative data and compile analytical outputs and written products. This includes drafting of texts, editing, review and providing feedback on the work prepared by colleagues.
  • Prepare and provide quality assurance of outreach materials, including reports, issue briefs, speeches, briefing notes, etc for the UNDP Innovation Lab in Chengdu.
  • Develops research proposals for new innovation initiatives;
  • Draft, edit and/or provide quality assurance of external outreach and communications materials, including speeches, Op-Eds, success stories, press releases, website write-ups, PowerPoint Presentations, proposals, etc.
  • Other ad hoc research tasks assigned by UNDP in coordination with CICETE.

Strategic planning

  • Leads and coordinates the integration of sector-wide research and statistical information analysis as inputs for the strategy formulation and policy development of the UNDP Innovation Lab in Chengdu.
  • Coordinate internal and external resources for the development of the UNDP Innovation Lab, such as the partnerships with international innovation partners, academia and research institutions and other skateholders in the innovation community;
  • Conduct horizon scanning to map local trends, developments, players, under the radar solutions, and future challenges in the areas of programmatic interest and for support to the the Regional Innovation Center (RIC).

  • Minimum 3-5 year’s working experience. Previous working experience in a think tank or research institute would be desirable;
  • Demonstrable ability to maintain effective communications with international stakeholders;
  • Excellent computer skills, in particular mastery of all applications of the MS Office package;
  • Project financial, technical and/or administrative management experience as well as basic knowledge on innovation projects are assets;
  • Fluency in English; fluency in Chinese a distinct advantage.

  • English(Mandatory), Level – Fluent
  • Chinese(Optional), Level – Working Knowledge
 Knowledge management, archiving and documentation, Monitoring and evaluation, Resource mobilization, partnership and donor coordination
  • Good analytical skills for carrying out innovation-related research;
  • Good communications and interpersonal skills;
  • Demonstrates openness to change and ability to manage complexities;
  • Sound judgment, diplomacy and sensitivity in confidential matters;
  • Good coordination and organizational skills, teamwork;
  • Proactive, organized and self-motivated.
  • Excellent written communication skills;
  • Excellent inter-personal skills, proven ability to work in a multi-cultural environment.

Accountability, Adaptability and Flexibility, Commitment and Motivation, Communication, Creativity, Knowledge Sharing, Professionalism, Respect for Diversity, Working in Teams

Application deadline: 20-09-2020

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