Молодіжний обмін в Італії

НГО “Стелла” шукає п’ятьох учасників моодіжного обміну в Італії. Основні теми – культура взаємопорозуміння, антидискримінація, толерантність.

Дати: 12 – 21 вересня 2016 року.

Місце: Chieti, Італія.

Дедлайн: 15 червня.

Детальний опис англійською:

Call for 5 participants for the Youth exchange in Chieti, Italy.

Dates: September 12th and the 21st 2016.

The project has the following objectives:

  • to promote culture of peace, anti-discrimination, tolerant, understanding and accepting society;
  • to enable participants to begin to identify their own values, attitudes and cultural biases;
  • to promote intercultural dialogue and mutual understanding through working in an intercultural group and through creative activities overcoming the fear of cross-cultural communication;
  • to share and exchange experiences and contexts from different countries within the topics of migration, culture and diversity;
  • to confront the challenges of diversity and difference in our societies;
  • to increase awareness of multiple identity, choices, and managing conflicts based on
    prejudices about a certain group of people;
  • to give knowledge about cultural diversity in a European context;
  • to promote the main EU values and cooperation under the Erasmus+ scheme, to develop non-formal and informal learning skills ;
  • to create a photo exhibition, a short video and an informative online brochure for sharing objectives and outcomes of the youth exchange and to promote the importance of cultural diversity in contemporary society.

The youth exchange will bring together 30 young people from Italy, Ukraine, Spain, Macedonia and Georgia. Using non-formal indoor and outdoor activities (such as debates, role plays, simulations, workshops etc.) we point to foster peace, cultural diversity,anti-discrimination principles and develop participants’ competence in the idea of multiculturalsociety.

During the youth exchange, participants will need to arrange a photo exhibition and create a short video and an online brochure, to express their views on cultural diversity and multiculturalism in our society. Thus they will have to explore prejudices, stereotypes and the themes of diversity, mutual understanding, social inclusion and active participation.

Participants profile:

  • 18-30 years old,
  • able to communicate in English, have
  • no previous experience in educational mobility
  • creative, open-minded young people, who are willing to actively participate in the exchange, and wants to meet different cultures
  • interested in the main topic of the exchange;
  • capable and willing to develop further projects.

Yearly membership fee – 20 euro
If you are interested please send us your CV and motivation letter to projects.stella@gmail.com
The deadline is 15th of June.

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