Міжнародний проект “Break Stereotypes, build peace!”

НГО “Стелла” шукає 10 учасників з України на двохступеневий проект, який відбуватиметься у Грузії та Україні.

Дати: перший етап – 7 – 13 грудня 2015 року.

Місце: Руставі, Грузія.

Дедлайн: 2 листопада.

Детальний опис англійською:

We are launching a call for 10 young activists aged 18-25 for the “Break Stereotypes, build peace!” – two-phase project supported by the Council of Europe.

!Please note that this is not not a project within Erasmus + programme!

The first phase will take place in Rustavi, Georgia from the 7th to the 13th of December, 2015 and will be hosted by Youth Association Droni.

The second phase will be implemented in each country involved and followed by each partner organization: the NGO “Stella” in Kharkiv, Ukraine and “Aegee” in Moscow, Russia.

The project will gather 30 participants from Ukraine, Russia and Georgia. It aims at giving them the right tools to improve peacebuilding in post-conflict zones and among local communities through no-hate speech initiatives, peaceful dialogue and human rights education. By sharing this experience, participants will broaden their knowledge and mind, and learn both how to effectively combat stereotypes and prejudices and to implement methods for delivering peace messages and activities in the future, back to their local communities.

The project will be carried out using non-formal methods of education from “Compass” manual of human rights, in order to give participants the most efficient tools to work within their local communities.

The objectives of this project are to: understand post-conflict situations, Involve local communities in peace-building activities, promote peaceful dialogue and defeat hate-speech, analyze the role of gender issues.

After the phase in Rustavi, participants will return to their home countries and will implement the second one which consists in involving local communities facing difficult situations: ethnical minorities, IDPs, refugees and migrants, sexually discriminated groups etc

Requirements for the participants:

  • Participants are young people aged 18 to 25 who are willing to contribute in building peace within their communities.
  • Motivation, willingness to share experiences in a multicultural environment and innovative ideas are essential for the positive outcome of the project.
  • Ability to organize and lead local activities after the project in youur local community.
  • Be fluent in English
  • Participants with special skills: drawing, graffiti, singing, etc are more then welcome, as during the meeting there is some plans to make a street activities and and actions promotion of the peace and diversity in the streets of Tbilisi.

Financial conditions: Participants are asked to pay 40% of their travel costs. The hosting organzation will be buying group tickets, so they may get a discount.
+ yearly membership fee in the NGO “Stella” – 20 euros.

Accommodation in Rustavi and food is fully provided by hosting organization.

Deadline to apply – 2 of November, 23:59

If interested please fill in the application form (attached) and send it back to info@ngo-stella.org before the deadline. Please, indicate the topic of the letter as “Break stereotypes”.

Аплікаційна форма для завантаженняApplication-Youth Meeting on Peace-building

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