Зимова школа “Brains, genes, drugs and languages: crossroads in science“

Центр міжнародної мобільності CIMO запрошує українських та російських аспірантів до участі у 20-тій Зимовій школі “Brains, genes, drugs and languages: crossroads in science“.

Дати: 7 – 12 березня 2016 року.

Місце: Хельсінкі, Фінляндія.

Дедлайн: 19 жовтня 2015 року.

Детальний опис англійською:

The Centre for International Mobility CIMO invites applications from Russian and Ukrainian postgraduate students for participation in the 20th Winter School organized during 7 – 12 March 2016 at Tvärminne zoological station of the University of Helsinki .

The goal of the Winter School is to enhance the mobility of young researchers and postgraduate students between Finland and the participating countries and to increase the cooperation between the universities. Before applying for participation in the 20th Winter School, the applicants are expected to contact one or more scientists/research group leaders at Finnish universities to discuss a possible project with them. Expression of interest by the Finnish host will be considered an advantage during the selection process.

Those Winter School participants who will be invited to Finland after the Winter School by Finnish research teams will be offered a scholarship from the CIMO Fellowship programme. The invited participants of the Winter School will be expected to come to work or study in Finland for 3 to 18 months. The monthly amount of scholarship will be 1500 euro in 2016. The scholarship period should begin approx. within two years after the Winter School.

The 20th CIMO Winter School is multidisciplinary – not for a particular, narrow field of science, but rather for a scientific topic. This time, the school focuses on brain diseases and their genetic background, language vs. genetics of north-European populations and beyond, and new methods in drug design.

Applications from related fields, such as genetics, molecular and cell biology, physiology, biomedicine, neuroscience, computational linguistics, chemistry, biophysics, nanoscience, and pharmacy are welcome.

The school tends to stimulate active participation and discussion. The untraditional working method has been specially developed for the Winter School and it aims at enhancing the strength of participants’ own personal expertise, problem-solving capabilities, scientific presentation skills and creative mind.

Tentative themes of the days:

  • Pathophysiology of major brain disorders
  • Genetic basis of health and disease
  • Computational linguistics
  • New methods in drug design

More detailed information about the scientific programme as well as teachers will be published in September.

Applications for participation
Written applications for participation are welcome from Russian and Ukrainian postgraduate students.The applicants must be citizens of Russia or Ukraine and not over 35 years of age. Applications are not accepted from those who have participated in one of the previous Winter Schools.

Financial assistance/grants
No participation fee is charged from the participants. Accommodation in student halls of residence and meals at course site are covered by CIMO. CIMO will also award a travel grant covering partial expense of the participants’ travel between their home town and Helsinki.

Contact persons at CIMO
Tarja Mäkelä, Programme Coordinator
Päivi Jokinen, Programme Manager

Джерело: http://www.cimo.fi/programmes/cimo_scholarships/winterschool

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