Тренінговий курс “Body and Minds in Action”

НГО “Стелла” оголошує пошук учасників на проект “Body and Minds in Action”.

Де: Скоп’є, Македонія.

Коли: 20-11-2017 – 29-11-2017

Дедлайн: 1 жовтня.

Детальний опис англійською:


The training “Body and Minds in Action” is designed as a process of informal learning and peer education using participants, from different countries who work with young people, have experience in the fields of youth work, youth arts and international cooperation.


Participants are required to have an active input in sharing knowledge and experience, and to be willing to learn new skills in and surrounding the dramatic arts and inter-cultural youth work, from the trainers and each other. This active participation will encourage ownership of the learning, motivation and commitment to working together, building effective international working relationships, making the training an exercise in best practice.

The organizers are focused on the individual creative development of each participant and sharing such inter-cultural competences as appreciative inquiry, open minded personality, respect and trust, mutual understanding and team work. Through cultural relationships we strive to generate opportunities for individuals to fulfill their potential and foster the co-operation that contributes to a stable world.

We have faith that using theatrical arts within the Erasmus+ Program, is a very valuable tool for developing inter-cultural learning, cooperation, and quality projects in the youth field among all the regions concerned. We wish to create inter-cultural youth projects and network with the various participant organizations within Europe, Eastern Europe and Caucasus.


Youth workers and youth leaders who are willing to actively participate in the whole duration of the TC, should:

  • be 18+ years old
  • be interested in the main topic of the TC
  • have good English language skills in order to achieve the objectives of the activities
  • be capable and willing to develop further youth projects
  • be able to write a report in English and Ukrainian after the project is over

Financial conditions

The project is financed by Erasmus+ Programme:

  • Travel costs are 100 % covered within the limit according to the rules of Erasmus+ proramme
  • Food and accommodation will be covered for the entire project – 100%
  • Fee – 30 euros

Аплікаційна формаhttps://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScNyV4LnbpQnEupE8GOhQQ9dCGTJVTEl3dqaoW-6wP1y4K7oQ/viewform

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