Австрія: три волонтерських проєкти у сфері освіти

Цікавишся альтернативною освітою? Тоді волонтерство у Австрії від НГО “Стелла” чекає саме на тебе! Відразу три супер вакансії!

Application deadline: 26/04/2020!

1) Vulkanschule:

Where: Auersbach bei Feldbach, Austria

When: 07/09/2020 to 09/07/2021

The Vulkanschule is a primary and secondary school for pupils aged 6–14. It is a small school, with all together 47 pupils, situated in the countryside in South-Eastern Austria. The Vulkanschule is the only school following a reformist education in this region. We teach mainly according to Maria Montessori and Peter Petersen`s Jenaplan. One of our most important principles are: the non-violent communication, the respect for the development of the child, the respect for each human being and for the creation. Central ideas of our pedagogy are a holistic, project-oriented, interdisciplinary and mixed-age education, learner-centered, action-oriented and eager to keep up the joy of learning. One volunteer is supporting the school staff mainly during the classes and afternoon activities. S/he helps preparing learning materials, assists during lunch time and breaks.

Profile: 18-30 y.o., open-minded, initiative, positive, confident person, interested in alternative education, willing to work with children from 6 y.o. and to support teachers, motivated to learn and speak German.

Requirements for application – please follow the link: https://europa.eu/youth/solidarity/placement/20874_en

2) Sonnenhaus:

Where: Leibnitz, Austria

When: 03/09/2020 to 09/07/2021

Private School “Sonnenhaus” (www.unser-sonnenhaus.at) offers an alternative education for children aged 6-14 years, based on principles of progressive education, esp. Montessori and nonviolent communication. We aim at supporting and guiding children on their way to becoming responsible confident and open-minded persons. Furthermore, we try to deepen contacts and intensify common activities with other educational institutions and establish a centre for progessive education in the region and across the close border to Slovenia. Currently, there are 60 children attending our school. The school is located in Leibnitz, near to the secon biggest city Graz. Two volunteers are supporting teachers in classrooms, helping children with their tasks and preparing learning materials.

Profile: 18-30 y.o., open-minded, initiative, positive, confident person, interested in alternative education, willing to work with children from 6 y.o. and to support teachers, motivated to learn and speak German.

Requirements for application – please follow the link:


3) Schule im Pfeifferhof:

Where: Graz, Austria

When: 07/09/2020 to 09/07/2021

An alternative school „Schule im Pfeifferhof“ is a non-profit institution initiated by parents for their children. The school was established by the association “Mit Kindern leben” in 1993. A team of eight teachers is responsible for education of 85 children. The school works according to reform-pedagogical principles (Montessori, Piaget), which means that the work is oriented at the needs and wishes of children. The learning methods are based on “practical” work and on projects. One of the principle of our school is “learning by doing”. We try hard to prepare a surrounding for our children which enables them to make their own experiences, where they can do both, acquire cultural techniques and develop social competences. They also learn to handle rules and borders in a democratic way. Usually our children stay for nine years until they have finished their compulsary education. It is part of our philosophy to practice an intercultural exchange.

Profile: 18-30 y.o., open-minded, initiative, positive, confident person, interested in alternative education, willing to work with children from 6 y.o. and to support teachers. We prefer volunteers over 20 years. Persons interested in arts, sports and music are warmly welcome.

Requirements for application – please follow the link:


Information about the sending organization:


PIC: 947609200

Address: Lugovska 7/1, Kharkiv, Ukraine, 61029

Contact person: Nika Bunziak

Email: evs@ngo-stella.org

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