4 ЄВС-проекти у Литві

НГО “Стелла” шукає волонтерів для участі в ЄВС-проектах – робота з дітьми та неповносправними людьми. Описи наведено нижче.

Дедлайн – 25 липня.

Детальний опис англійською:

Candidates can choose one of the 4 activities:

1) in project „THE OPEN COMMUNITY“. Group dedicated to integrate and assist mentally challenged and disabled people and their families.  Also there are organized educating and leisure activities. More information: https://goo.gl/Y8Md3H

2) in  day center for children age 6-11, who live in very poor material conditions, have emotional and behavior problems, have learning problems, and need psychological help. More information: https://goo.gl/YVsPHC

3) 3 activities with young people -day group „TRANSITAS“, Teenagers group „THE SPRING-BOARD“, Friday open space „SOFKĖ“. These activities are offering assistance to young people age 12 to 18 from difficult social background. They have various difficulties: at school, behavior and emotional problems, psychological and life crises. More information: https://goo.gl/GaZHPQ

4) day center/kindergarten for the kids of the preschool age 2-6. More information: https://goo.gl/k7ra63

Volunteer’s reviews:



In order to apply, please, send your CV and motivation letter to evs.matulaicio@gmail.com and evs@ngo-stella.org with the name of the activity you choose in the subject untill 25.07.2018

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