Тренінг в Іспанії “BACK TO THE ROOTS”

Що: NGO “Vzayemopomich” шукає 3 учасників(-иць), для участі у міжнародному тренінгу “BACK TO THE ROOTS”.

Де: La Maraña de Gaudalajara (Spain).

Коли: 26/03-02/04/2022.


  • Молодіжні працівники, викладачі, вихователі, фасилітатори та молодіжні лідери 18+;
  • Зі знанням англійської мови;
  • Бажання просувати отримані навички і результати проекту в Україні;

Проєкт фінансується програмою Erasmus+, яка покриває:

  • 100% витрат на харчування, проживання;
  • 100% проїзду до місця проведення і назад (якщо витрати не перевищують ліміт 360 євро).

Для тих учасників, які не є членами організації – річний членський внесок 30 євро (після того, як Вас затвердили організатори)

Дедлайн: 16 лютого 23:59

Аплікаційна форма: посилання

Опис англійською:

This project is based on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), in the different ways that each person can apply them in their daily life. Through this project, the aim is to bring these objectives closer to the youngest and to provide youth workers with tools to support them in this mission. In addition, youth workers will acquire a series of tools and knowledge that they can apply both to their daily lives and to their work within their entities and with young people. The needs of the partner organisations and their youth workers were taken into account when designing this project, therefore the participants will acquire competences in order to improve their skills to prepare youngsters to be leaders in their communities in order to raise awareness in climate change and how to implement in their daily lives SDGs.


  • Raise awareness and promote healthy and sustainable lifestyles in youth workers and young people of partner entities, in line with the Sustainable Development Goals, and provide tools that serve so that youth workers can support young people in this change.
  • Provide ideas and tools to youth workers, to be implemented in their organizations and projects, in order to develop a more ecological and sustainable youth work, as well as acquire skills that allow them to train young people in leadership for climate change.
  • Acquire tools and attitudes that support the fight against climate change, in an inclusive and transversal way.
  • Develop capacities to transfer these learnings and practices for a significant impact at the local, regional, national and European level.

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