НГО “Стелла” шукає волонтера для проекту в Хорватії

When: from November

Duration: 10 months

✈️Where: Zagreb, Croatia

?Deadline: 14/10/2021, 23:59.

The main and long-term goal of the project is to increase the social responsibility of young people, to motivate and sensitise them to participate in the activities of the local community, in order to support vulnerable and marginalised members of the community, beneficiaries of the Circle – the elderly, infirm, malignant and socially vulnerable persons, as well as children and children. young people; stimulate their personal and professional development, strengthen competences, develop additional skills; and strengthen the national and international partnerships of Center Circles.

?Primary activities:

  • work on charity stand in shopping centers
  • work in Donation center
  • work on stands in public areas
  • support for socially excluded groups: users with malignant diseases, socially excluded users, elder and disabled users.
  • home visits
  • accompaniment to doctor and hospital
  • easy housework (vacuuming, cleaning dust, washing dishes)
  • walking, talking, listening
  • bringing medicine and groceries
  • participating in creative workshops / group work with elder people
  1. Secondary activities:
  2. Work in office
  • editing web and Facebook pages, Youtube channel
  • writing articles for blog and editing Blog page
  • editing photos in Photoshop for Web shop
  • preparing flyers, posters, promoting material
  • participating in organizing Manifestations
  • participating on team meetings, educations, supervisions of volunteers, workshops, evaluations, reflections

4. Work with children and youth.

Technical support on workshops, preparing and organizing workshop for children/youth – creative workshops, self-improvement, tolerance, multicultural awareness, anti-bullying, mind-fullness.

More information about the work you can find here

☝️Profile of the participant:

  • Motivation for the project activities and project users
  • Ability to live with at least three flat mates
  • Willing to share a room with one participant /same sex/
  • Between 18-30 years old
  • You haven’t participated in long-term EVS project before
  • You have no Criminal Record
  • You don’t have chronic diseases and/or serious psychical/ physical illness
  • Basic knowledge in English language

Plus is if you have experience in working with elder/disabled/socially vulnerable people

? Financial conditions

The project is funded by the Erasmus+ Programme. All expenses for visa, insurance, accommodation, food and international travel costs are fully covered. The volunteer will also receive pocket money monthly.

⚠ In order to apply please send your CV and motivation letter to tihana.pandl@gmail.com and evs@ngo-stella.org in copy till 14.10.2021.

In the subject of your e-mail please indicate «ESС Project Circles of Solidarity»

⭐Не втрачайте свій шанс стати частиною дружної волонтерської родини!

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