Різдвяний сюрприз від НГО “Стелла”: 2 місяці у казковій столиці Хорватії – Загребі!

Тематика: організація заходів, промоуція волонтерства та активної участі молоді в локальних, національних та міжнародних програмах громадянського суспільства.

УВАГА! Шукаємо ДІВЧИНУ – відповідно до правил проживання в помешканні.

Коли: 8 січня 2020 – 8 березня 2020

Де: Загреб, Хорватія

Дедлайн 25.12.2019, 23:59.


The project will be in Zagreb, short term EVS, 57 days + 2 travel days.

The aim of the project: to enhance youth engagement in civil society by involving them in local development activities and non-formal learning programs that are run with and for youngsters from different backgrounds.

The candidates should be independent grown ups, who can conduct workshops/activities by themselves, regarding any topic and who can communicate in English.

The main idea is to raise the issue of the importance of voluntarism as a way of obtaining unique knowledge, skills and attitudes that will further help young people to improve their competitiveness in the labor market. Our volunteers will develop their key competencies, understand them deeply through training this skills with high school students, thereby multiplying the beneficiary effect.

The projects aims to boost skills, inclusion, participation, importance of volunteering, modernize learning and is focusing on young people’s way of living promoting EU values.

The project aims to solve inactive youth issue and encourage young people to be more active by influence them through social media trends promoting values like: healthy lifestyle, self-development, youth opportunities, youth mobility, EU citizenship, international community, active way of living, tolerance, solidarity and self-initiative.


– Aged from 18 to 30 years

– Motivated to work on the topic of EU citizenship, healthy lifestyle, intercultural community, youth opportunities and promoting voluntarism

– Have basic English speaking skills

– Motivated to learn about Croatian culture and language

– Motivated to promote their work on social media of the hosting organization

– Motivated to learn and gain new experiences and skills regarding to the 8 key competences, mostly referring on social and civic competence, sense of initiative and entrepreneurship and cultural awareness and expression

– To be easy to communicate with, flexible and responsible.

Financial conditions

The project is funded by the Erasmus+ Programme. All expenses for visa, insurance, accommodation, food and international travel costs are fully covered. The volunteer will also receive pocket money monthly.

How to apply?

In order to apply please send your CV and motivation letter in English (no more than 1 page) to evs@ngo-stella.org and make clear why you’d like to take part in this project.

In the subject of your e-mail please indicate «VolunTEEN_5»

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