Семінар для молодіжних працівників, освітян та дослідників

Що: 3rd Europe-Western Balkans Youth Meeting: Using the EU youth programmes as vehicles for positive societal change

Формат: Seminar ONLINE

Коли: 9 June 2020 | Slovenia

Дедлайн: 30 травня, відповідь про відбір 2 червня

Робоча мова: англійська

Для кого цей семінар: Youth workers, Trainers, Youth leaders, Youth project managers, Youth policy makers, Youth researchers, other professionals, such as educators, practitioners and experts with relevance for the youth sector with specific emphasis on the cooperation between EU and Western Balkan countries

Детальна інформація далі.

This 3rd Europe-Western Balkans Youth Meeting offers a space to jointly explore the value and potential of Europe – Western Balkans cooperation, get inspired by successful practices and think about ways forward under the new EU youth programmes.

The Europe-Western Balkan youth meetings aim to initiate reflection and dialogue among youth workers and other stakeholders in the youth field from the WB region and other European countries about the role of European and cross-border cooperation (in particular the European youth programmes Erasmus+: Youth in Action and the European Solidarity Corps) in supporting societal change, further development of youth work and youth policy and European integration.

With a view to the new generation of European youth programmes, this 3rd Europe-WB Youth Meeting offers to meet, listen, explore and discuss one day together online, to take stock of the achievements of EU – WB cooperation of the past years and reflect about what is needed to increase impact and encourage ways forward in the next years.

Reflect with us about the value and potential of cooperation and get inspired by successful practices!

This online meeting aims to offer some inspiring information accompanied by smaller spaces for joint exploration and reflection, including an interactive panel discussion, Q&A sessions and participatory workshops.

Several practitioners from youth work practice, training and research, all with extensive experience in European cooperation, will explore together with the participants the relevance of transnational cooperation for stimulating further development of youth work and youth policy and the added value of linking youth work practice, research and policy, in the specific EU-Western Balkans context. Our experts will also share their thoughts on how their projects have made an impact and what is needed to move ahead.

You can find the list of panel speakers and workshops as well as the draft programme overview attached.

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