Молодіжний обмін на Кіпрі

Харківська НГО “Stella” шукає 5 учасників молодіжного обміну.

Дедлайн – 5 серпня.

Детальний опис англійською:

Dates: 18/11/2016 – 26/11/2016

Description of the Project:
There is much discrimination in Europe and most of it is based on ignorance and fear of the unknown. Stereotypes are created and this project will allow young people from different countries to learn about each other in order to overcome these common problems. The main objective of the project is to overcome different forms of discrimination through methods of giving the opportunity to young people to learn from each other and to develop friendships. Also exchanging good practices between each other to allow for a stronger approach to combating discrimination and xenophobia in youth.
The project hopes to address these issues and bring to light methods for better understanding and cooperation so that we can truly live united in Europe with all our diversities.

Participants profile:

  • 18-30 years old; no age limit for group leader;
  • able to communicate in English;
  • creative, open-minded young people, who are willing to actively participate in the YE, and wants to meet different cultures;
  • interested in the main topic of the YE

Yearly membership fee – 30 euro
All costs regarding food and accomodation is covered by Erasmus + programme. Travel costs are covered 100% within the limit of 170 EUR

In order to apply please fill in the form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSf9okrDgg10fdsYjItRFY0cFziu8h9OJAiIIKogRYkdhUGdPw/viewform

DEADLINE: 5th August 2016


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