Молодіжний форум “Young Sustainable Impact 2017” у Норвегії

Молодь із усього світу віком від 16 до 25 років запрошується до участі у Всесвітньому форумі. присвяченому обговоренню цінностей сталого розвитку.

Місце: Осло, Норвегія.

Дати: влітку 2017 року.

Дедлайн: 16 березня 2017 року.

Детальний опис англійською:

Our application process is designed for the people that want to work on our sustainable development goals the most. The ones that have abilities and skills necessary to start a project. You will be asked questions and tested to see if you are the right fit through 3 rounds.

Age: 16-25
Contries: All countries can apply
Criteria: That you can work 3-15 hours a week from april-august and implement the project after.

Round 1: February 1st- March 5th
– You will know if you are through to the next round March 6th.

Round 2: March 6th – March 12th
– You only have 6 days to answer the second round.

– You will know if you are through to the next round March 16th.

Round 3: March 16th – March 23rd
– You will know if you are in the program March 26th.

The program starts April 3rd.

 If you are not selected – don`t worry! We have online cases and other exciting things happening and you can always apply next year. You will get to be a part of YSI if you wish to.

Джерело: https://www.ysiglobal.com/

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2 коментарі

  1. 2 Березня, 2017

    […] Узнать детали! […]

  2. 13 Березня, 2017

    […] Узнать детали! […]

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