Тренінговий курс “You can”

Організація “Go On” оголошує про набір учасників тренінгового курсу.

Дати: 12 – 21 жовтня.

Місце: Софія, Болгарія.

Дедлайн: 18 вересня.

Open call for 4 participants for the training course “You Can”, in Sofia (Bulgaria), 12-21 October 2018.

During the course the participants will develop skills on how to use the coaching methodology, tools, techniques and best practices to develop competences and qualities of people to support them realize their full potential and personal values and to find their personal motivation to set and achieve their goals. During the training all the participants will develop their soft-skills such as active listening, powerful questioning, direct communication, creating awareness, designing actions, planning and goal setting, managing progress and accountability and etc. The training course will be a transformation process for the participants as well.

Interested? Apply until 18.09.2018!

Reimbursement limits:
275 euro – travel grant; 100% coverage of the hotel and food.

Organizational fee to NGO “Go On”: 40 euro.

Find detailed info-pack https://drive.google.com/file/d/1fKrYJyr__r2354Anp5bZXA20j221il1p/view and fill in the application form https://docs.google.com/forms/d/14Q4Aea9GMer2PPYTWiDO2IstKvPYoX78Z2tz1aZdSp0/viewform?edit_requested=true until 18.09.2018. If you have any questions, contact us via ukraine.go.on@gmail.com, with the subject “Youth for Youth”.

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