Молодіжний обмін у Норвегії

Харківська НГО “Стелла” шукає чотирьох учасників та одного груп-лідера для участі в молодіжному обміні.


APV: 14-16 October 2016
YE: 4-11 December 2016

Дедлайн – 4 вересня і 30 серпня.

Детальний опис англійською мовою:

The main aim of the youth exchange is to empower the youngsters to become active citizens in their local communities. The project will raise awareness about the importance of taking part in public debates and for young people to raise their voice, by for example taking part in creating the public spaces. Creative workshops, debates and active inter-cultural learning processes will encourage young people to become active citizens and to share their gained understanding and knowledge with others. In this way solidarity and tolerance among young people will be developed, inter-cultural experience will be shared, mutual understand will be fostered. Street art and graffiti paintings will be use as a tool to spread peaceful messages about social and cultural topics. Young people will later on disseminate what they have learned back to the organisations who sent them, for the benefit of the wider youth community from their locations.

The objectives of the YE are following:

  • To increase the young people’s knowledge about the history and philosophy of street art and its possibilities, by introducing them to the topic and showing examples.
  • To teach basic graffiti and street art techniques
  • To create street art and graffiti in the public spaces in the city of the host-organization
  • To increase the young people’s knowledge about active participation, active citizenship and intercultural dialogue
  • To increase the young people’s abilities in taking part in public debates and creating the public spaces in their local community
  • To give young people an opportunity to perform, formulate and express their voices and messages in an artistic and creative way that suits them.
  • To develop more initiatives in the field of Erasmus+ and art, cultural diversity and youth participation in the social life issues within the framework of the Erasmus + program

Yearly membership fee – 30 euros
All costs regarding food and accomodation is covered by Erasmus + programme. Travel costs are covered 100% within the limit of 170 euros

Participants profile:

  • 18-30 years old; no age limit for group leader;
  • able to communicate in English;
  • creative, open-minded young people, who are willing to actively participate in the YE, and wants to meet different cultures;
  • interested in the main topic of the YE.

In order to apply please fill in the form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSea9BM-lF-TtsTg0ifOdwqri3JwKPzL9tRwW5bs-Zra8eI55g/viewform

DEADLINE: 4th September for participants and 30th of August for the group leader.

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