Українсько-литовський молодіжний обмін у м. Дніпро

European Youth Community шукає учасників на Українсько-литовський молодіжний обмін у м. Дніпро, що реалізується в рамках діяльності Ради обмінів молоддю України та Литви та за підтримки Міністерства молоді та спорту України!
Дедлайн – 14 вересня.
Детальний опис англійською:
Project “Open Your Mind, Widen Horizons” is aimed on familiarizing young people from Republic of Lithuania with culture and traditions of Ukrainians as well as promoting full comprehensive personal development, intercultural dialogue and common understanding. Moreover, representatives of Lithuania will share their knowledge about the language, culture and history of their country and promote awareness of Ukrainian youth about European values and European integration processes in general.
Place: Ukraine, c. Dnipro.
Dates: 22-27 October 2017.
Participants profile.
We invite young people 14-26 years, who are:
  • interested in the main topic of the youth exchange;
  • have good English language skills (at least Intermediate level);
  • be able to write a report in English and Ukrainian after the project is over.
The deadline to fill in the application form is the 14th of September!

Application form:

Participation is free of charge.

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