Конференція “Women’s Rights and Violence in the Contemporary World”

Дослідники з широкого спектру галузей запрошуються до участі в міждисциплінарній конференції.

Місце: Гданськ, Польща.

Дати: 30 – 31 березня 2017 року.

Дедлайн: 5 лютого 2017 року.

Детальний опис англійською:

Women’s rights were never respected in the past. And they are not respected today, even though it seems that many things have been changed and that we are now much more aware of the gender inequalities than our parents were. In our crazy world increasingly accepting all kinds of extremism and fundamentalism, there is less and less place for an open and honest discussion about women’s needs and expectations. During our interdisciplinary conference we would like to look at various manifestations of violence and women’s rights violation in the contemporary world, and also at the possible ways of counteracting such phenomena. We will describe them in political, social, psychological, cultural and many other terms. We also want to devote considerable attention to how the situation of women’s rights is represented in artistic practices: in literature, film, theatre or visual arts.

  We invite researchers representing various academic disciplines: history, politics, psychology, sociology, anthropology, philosophy, economics, law, history of literature, theatre studies, film studies, fine arts, design, memory studies, migration studies, consciousness studies, dream studies, gender studies, postcolonial studies, medical sciences, psychiatry, psychoanalysis, cognitive sciences etc.

Different forms of presentations are encouraged, including case studies, theoretical investigations, problem-oriented arguments, and comparative analyses.

We will be happy to hear from both experienced scholars and young academics at the start of their careers, as well as doctoral students. We also invite all persons interested in participating in the conference as listeners, without giving a presentation.

We hope that due to its interdisciplinary nature, the conference will bring many interesting observations on and discussions about the role of women’s rights in the past and in the present-day world.

Please submit abstracts (no longer than 300 words) of your proposed 20-minute presentations, together with a short biographical note, by 5 February 2017 to rightsviolence@gmail.com

Confirmation of acceptance will be sent by 6 February 2017.

The conference language is English. A selection of papers will be published in a post-conference volume.

Джерело: http://womenrights.ug.edu.pl/

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