Стипендії від Wizz Air на навчання в Лондонському університеті

Генеральний директор та співзасновник Wizz Air Джозеф Вараді виділив понад 1 млн фунтів на стипендійне навчання за дистанційними програмами Лондонського університету. Впродовж наступних 10 років найталановитіші кандидати, зокрема й українці, зможуть виграти близько 100 стипендій.

Назва стипендії: Váradi Scholarships

Де діє: University of London


  • Scholarship application deadline: 17 July 2020
  • Scholarship notification: 14 August 2020

Навчальні програми, які беруть участь:

Як подати заявку?

  • Download and complete the scholarship application form.
  • Submit an application for your chosen degree via its course page.
  • Please ensure you upload your completed scholarship application form under the ‘Scholarship Form’ section.
  • Pay the appropriate online application fee for your programme.
  • You must submit a fully completed course application, as without this we cannot consider a scholarship application.

If you have applied for a programme previously but did not register and wish to be considered for this scholarship, please submit a completed scholarship application form here as you may not need to reapply for your course.

If you wish to apply for the scholarship but are unable to pay for the application fee, please contact us.

Детальна інформація на сайті університету: https://london.ac.uk/applications/funding-your-study/scholarships-and-bursaries/varadi-scholarships

Про стипендію:

The Váradi Scholarships, open to all University of London flexible and distance learning programmes, will offer up to 100 scholarships over the next ten years. The scholarships are particularly relevant in the current context of constraints on travel and economic impact of COVID-19 as these programmes can be taken anywhere in the world.

Establishing the Váradi Scholarships at the University of London in 2020, József has pledged to support up to 100 students from all over the world, with a particular focus on supporting those from Central and Eastern Europe.

“I believe that supporting the education of talents from Central and Eastern Europe is a high-yield investment in the future thanks to its life-changing and multiplier effect on individuals, families and the next generations“, says József Váradi.

In a 2017/18 University of London survey of applicants who did not register or complete their programme 33% stated they could not afford course fees and 42% were unable to secure funding to cover the course costs. Through the generosity of alumni and friends, students around the world can access opportunities that would otherwise have been closed to them and grow to be future leaders, shaping the world of tomorrow.

The Váradi Scholarships continue the University of London’s founding mission of opening access to education and connecting worlds; it was the first university to introduce distance learning programmes anywhere in the world in 1858 and the first university in the UK to offer degree programmes to women in 1868.

Про університет:

University of London – a pioneering force for connecting worlds of the future

We are the UK’s largest provider of distance and flexible transnational education across some 190 countries with around 50,000 students. Additionally, the University of London federation has more than 100,000 students studying in London at one of its 17 member institutions.

The University of London Careers Group is the largest careers service in the world, uniquely placed to connect the world of education with employment, preparing students for their lives after university and providing innovative opportunities for students to immerse themselves in the world of work before graduating.

Треба швидко написати успішний мотиваційний лист ВЖЕ на сьогодні? Ось тримай 3 короткі відеолекції про 3 різних приклади мотиваційних есе, автор яких отримала стипендію та участь у бажаній освітній програмі. На курс піде +- година часу.

Потрібна повна підтримка для вступу чи пошуку програми за кордоном від А до Я? Консультації, допомога, дієві інструменти? Чекаємо в онлайн-спільноті «UniStudy Community”.

Більше безкоштовних актуальних порад та секретів шукай в рубриці КОРИСНЕ.

А щоб не пропустити жодного дедлайну програми, скачай Календар освітніх можливостей 2020.  Відкриємо секрет: він «вічний», тобто більшість програм повторюється із року в рік.

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