Стажування в галузі політології

Центр Вілсона пропонує оплачуване стажування для журналістів, учених, практиків. Тривалість стажування – 9 місяців.

Дедлайн: 2 жовтня.

Детальний опис англійською:

Through an international competition, the Center offers 9-month residential fellowships. The Wilson Center invites scholars, practitioners, journalists and public intellectuals to take part in its flagship international Fellowship Program. Fellows conduct research and write in their areas of interest, while interacting with policymakers in Washington and Wilson Center staff and other scholars in residence. The Center accepts policy-relevant, non-advocacy fellowship proposals that address key challenges confronting the United States and the world.

Application Process

The Wilson Center invites scholars, practitioners, journalists and public intellectuals to take part in its flagship International Fellowship Program and to take advantage of the opportunity to engage actively in the Center’s national mission. The Center awards approximately 15-20 residential fellowships each year. Fellows will be affiliated with one or more of the Wilson Center programs/projects/offices and are encouraged to interact with policy makers in Washington, D.C. as well as with Wilson Center staff and other scholars who are working on similar research and topics.


  • Citizens or permanent residents from any country (applicants from countries outside the United States must hold a valid passport and be able to obtain a J-1 visa even if they are currently in the United States) (Read more information on visas.)
  • Men and women with outstanding capabilities and experience from a wide variety of backgrounds (including academia, business, government, journalism, and other professions)
  • Academic candidates holding a Ph.D. (Ph.D. must be received by the application deadline of October 2)
  • Academic candidates demonstrating scholarly achievement by publications beyond their doctoral dissertations
  • Practitioners or policymakers with an equivalent level of professional achievement
  • English proficiency as the Center is designed to encourage the exchange of ideas among its fellows

Selection Process

Applications that satisfy the eligibility requirements are subsequently subjected to a multi-stage review process involving both internal evaluations by Wilson Center experts and external evaluations by a panel of specialists with relevant expertise.  Final decisions about all grant awards are contingent on the approval of the Center’s Board of Trustees and subject to available funding.

The basic criteria for selection are:

a) significance of the proposed research, including the importance and originality of the project;

b) the relevance of the project to contemporary policy issues;

c) the relevance of the project to the programmatic work of the Center;

d) quality of the proposal in definition, organization, clarity, and scope;

e) capabilities and achievements of the applicant and the likelihood that the applicant will accomplish the proposed project;

f) potential of a candidate to actively contribute to the life, priorities and mission of the Center by making expert research accessible to a broader audience.

The Center welcomes in particular those projects that transcend narrow specialties and methodological issues of interest only within a specific academic discipline. Projects should involve fresh research-—in terms of both the overall field and the author’s previous work. It is essential that projects have relevance to public policy, and fellows should want, and be prepared, to interact with policymakers in Washington and with Wilson Center staff and other scholars who are working on similar issues.

Джерело: https://www.wilsoncenter.org/fellowship-application-guidelines#page-menu

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