Довготермінове волонтерство WELTWAERTS у Німеччині

Організація “Пангея Ультіма” шукає учасників віком 18-28 років на проект Weltwärts в Халлє, Німеччина. Дати перебування волонтера/ки на проекті: вересень 2022 – вересень 2023.

Opportunity: Weltwärts

Dates: September 2022 – September 2023 (12 month)

Location: Halle, Germany

Coordinating Organization: Friedenskreis Halle e.V.

Увага! Дана пропозиція актуальна також для тих кандидатів, що вже були волонтерами ESC/EVS

 The association works in three areas:
1. peace politics: actions, campaigns, exhibitions, presentations, lectures and workshops next to local and regional networking
2. Peace education: own workshops, seminars and trainings in Halle, the region and abroad in cooperation with local to international partners next to mediation of offers and trainers
3. Peace services – international voluntary service: consultation and information for interested persons and organisations next to hosting, sending and coordinating within „weltwärts“ and „European voluntary service“

“We have a dynamic understanding of peace: We do not understand peace as a state of affairs, not as a far-off goal and not as just as the absence of war. To us peace is a path towards a cooperative, fair and non-violent living together in diversity by which self-fulfilment and freedom of each individual become possible”.

“Basic themes and guiding values of our work are: active non-violence, constructive as well as civil conflict management, living democracy, transcultural diversity and global justice”.

Field of engagement and activities of the volunteer

The voluntary service mainly is office work and educational work with children, youth and adults.
The volunteer will mainly support the area “Peace education” inclusive attached projects.
The focus of the educational work, especially the work on political development and civil conflict management abroad, lies on schools and nurseries.

What to expect?

25 days of accompanying seminars, midterm and final trainings, anti-discrimation and political participation seminars. All expenses connected to the seminars and trainings are covered

German language training and support

Public German health insurance

A separate room in a shared apartment

Allowance – 350 Euro per month

30 working hours per week

Service related activities (around 8h/week): Active participation in accompanying programme, implementation of own project, occupation with and/or engagement in topics and activities of (local) civil society

Mentors with work and one peer mentor who’s from the city

Monthly tram ticket or bicycle

Visa support and visa fee coverage

24 holidays off.

 Volunteers profile – General

  • weltwärts: 18-28yrs (exceptions can be made, when reasonable)
    • School graduation or comparable personal suitability
    • Knowledge of English and willingness to learn German starting in home country
    • Openess to the approach of the service as learning and peace service
    • Willingness to get involved in civil society after the service
    • Specific profile (certain interest and/or abilities) for at least one of the places of assignment we cooperate with (s. profiles places of assignment).

Which places of assignment (POA) Friedenskreis Halle cooperates with?

  • Kinder und Jugendhaus e.V. and Bürgerhaus AlternativE (open youth work with kids 10-18yrs)
    • Clare Zetkin e.V. (childrens home for kids 6-18yrs)
    • Friedenskreis Halle e.V. (educational and office work)
    • Kita Bartholomäus , Kita Marktspatzen, KindElternZentrum Lieskau (nursery for kids 1-6yrs)
    • Lebenstraum Halle e.V. (living group with disabled adults)
    • Kulturwerkstatt Grüne Villa e.V. (social-cultural centre)
    • Anlaufstelle S.C.H.I.R.M. (drop-in centre for young persons 18-30yrs)
    • Passage 13

Зверніть увагу!

  • відбір на проект проходитиме у кілька етапів
  • на першому етапі ми використовуємо загальну анкету, тому буде багато запитань про ESC. На запитання “Будь ласка, підтвердіть, що ви не брали участь волонтером довготермінових проектів EVS/ESC” відповідайте “Я підтверджую” навіть, якщо у Вас уже є досвід волонтерства
  • будь ласка, вкажіть, які POA Вам потенційно цікаві в блоці про мотивацію
  • чекаємо на Ваші анкети до 15.01.2022 за посиланням: https://forms.gle/PwNGbZ3VvAbHQS9y8

If you have any questons, please, write us to pangeya.ultima.mobility@gmail.com

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