Довготермінове волонтерство WELTWAERTS у Німеччині

Організація “Pangeya Ultima” шукає учасників віком 18-28 років на проект Weltwärts в Халлє, Німеччина.

Дати перебування волонтера/ки на проекті: вересень 2021 – вересень 2022.

Дедлайн: до 30 квітня

Opportunity: Weltwärts

Location: Halle, Germany

Coordinating Organization: Friedenskreis Halle e.V.

Увага! Дана пропозиція актуальна також для тих кандидатів, що вже були волонтерами ESC/EVS

About organization

The association works in three areas:

  1. peace politics: actions, campaigns, exhibitions, presentations, lectures and workshops next to local and regional networking
  2. Peace education: own workshops, seminars and trainings in Halle, the region and abroad in cooperation with local to international partners next to mediation of offers and trainers
  3. Peace services – international voluntary service: consultation and information for interested persons and organisations next to hosting, sending and coordinating within „weltwärts“ and „European voluntary service“

“We have a dynamic understanding of peace: We do not understand peace as a state of affairs, not as a far-off goal and not as just as the absence of war. To us peace is a path towards a cooperative, fair and non-violent living together in diversity by which self-fulfilment and freedom of each individual become possible”.

“Basic themes and guiding values of our work are: active non-violence, constructive as well as civil conflict management, living democracy, transcultural diversity and global justice”.

Field of engagement and activities of the volunteer:

  • The voluntary service mainly is office work and educational work with children, youth and adults.
  • The volunteer will mainly support the area “Peace education” inclusive attached projects.
  • The focus of the educational work, especially the work on political development and civil conflict management abroad, lies on schools and nurseries.

What to expect?

25 days of accompanying seminars, midterm and final trainings, anti-discrimation and political participation seminars. All expenses connected to the seminars and trainings are covered

  • German language training and support
  • Public German health insurance
  • A separate room in a shared apartment
  • Allowance – 350 Euro per month
  • 30 working hours per week
  • Mentors with work and one peer mentor who’s from the city
  • Monthly tram ticket or bicycle
  • Visa support and visa fee coverage
  • 24 holidays off.

 Volunteers profile – General

  • 18 to 28 years;
  • good knowledge of English and willingness to improve German (basic German is necessary!);
  • motivation for doing a voluntary service as an opportunity to acquire knowledge in different fields and to get involved with (civil) society (voluntary service and peace service);
  • openness to the special structure of a voluntary service with Friedenskreis Halle, that is: willingness to participate in the accompanying educational program, to develop and implement one or more small project(s) and to get occupied and engaged with topics and activities of (local) civil society;
  • interest in global (weltwärts) relationships and peace politics as well as education on these topics;
  • preferably prior dedication to civil society in the home country and willingness to get involved in civil society work in the home country upon returning
  • certificate of good conduct without any entries.

Currently there are 2 possible Places of Assignment (POA): Kinder- und Jugendhaus e.V. and KindElternZentrum Lieskau. A volunteer may express his/her preferances.

KindElternZentrum Lieskau

The KindElternZentrum (KEZ) is a place of encounter for young and old from the village Lieskau and it’s sourroundings. It is located about 10 km from the centre of Halle. It consists of a „Kindertagesstätte (Kita)“ (nursery), a „Hort“ (after school care club) and a „Familienbereich“ (family area) and thus adresses children as well as adults.

Children are offered projects, games and materials to encounter the world with curiosity and try out own ways to deal with it. There is a special focus on nature and environmental education.


  • accompanition of individual children in free play
  • participation in the meals
  • participation and support at excursions or trips
  • participation and support at celebrations
  • own program offers for children in the sporty, musical, artistic area, depending on the interests and skills of the volunteer
  • make “Europe” accessible to the kids by talking about his/her country and the life there or by putting those aspects into games
  • make the English language and/or his/her mother tongue accessible to the kids, be it in daily games and routines or in special theme-related projects

Volunteers profile – Specific for this place of assignment:

  • enthusiasm for working with children and their families
  • openness to children with disabilities
  • interest in sports, music, cultural and/or creative work, cooking and interest to bring in this knowledge in the work with children
Kinder- und Jugendhaus e.V.

The Kinder- und Jugendhaus e.V. (Children and Youth House Association) is an independent supporting organisation in the field of child and youth welfare service located in the southern part of Halle. It runs the JBBZ “Kinder- und Jugendhaus”, the Kindertagesstätten (day nurserys) „Sonnenhaus“ and „Wirbelwind“, and the Hort (after school care club) „Kinderpark“, the Familiencafe (family cafe) “Völkchen” and changing projects.

The Kinder- und Jugendhaus e.V. addresses children and youth living in the social room „Halle-Süd“. This social room is marked by (in relation to Halle and its environment) a relatively high unemployment rate, partly poverty, partly educational disadvantages and a high proportion of people with a migratory background. Goal of the work of the association is it to show an alternative to violence, addiction, lethargy and poverty and thus to open new perspectives.

Beside the daily child care in the Kitas and the Hort, the association is active in open work with children, youth, and families, social work in schools, job related orientation for teenagers, prevention, work for the civic good, work on integration and migration. The association offers free-time activities and training courses (games, workshops, Computer Cafe, tea room), events in the district and (trans)cultural events.

Activities of the volunteer:

  • Offer of sports, games, creative projects etc.
  • help to organise events and celebrations, e.g. housing area celebrations, Сhristmas market, intercultural week, trips
  • participation in projects (organisation and documentaion)
  • in the Hort: optional helping with homework a.o.
  • communicating of cultural competences and information, games, food, habits, celebrations etc. from their home
  • realization of an own project, gladly with an European, developmental policy or peace policy backround
  • participation in working- and team meetings

Volunteers profile – specific for this place of assignment:

  • interest in working with children and youth
  • empathy in regard to children and youth
  • some experiences in working with children and youth
  • openness to children and youth with difficulties
  • interest and/or skills for sports, music, cultural or creative work and interest to bring in this knowledge into the work
  • volunteer should be authentic, alone standing, responsible, punctual, open, honest, flexible and pro-active towards children
  • volunteer needs a quite high frustration tolerance and should have low expectations in respect to the implementation of own plans
  • knowledge of German at least at level B1 already at the start; volunteer should be willing and able to learn German very fast (we ask for an honest and realistic self-assessment!)


Зверніть увагу!

  • відбір на проект проходитиме у кілька етапів
  • на першому етапі ми використовуємо загальну анкету, тому буде багато запитань про ESC. На запитання “Будь ласка, підтвердіть, що ви не брали участь волонтером довготермінових проектів EVS/ESC” відповідайте “Я підтверджую” навіть, якщо у Вас уже є досвід волонтерства
  • чекаємо на Ваші анкети до 30.04.2021 за посиланням: https://forms.gle/PwNGbZ3VvAbHQS9y8

If you have any questons, please, write us to pangeya.ultima.mobility@gmail.com

N/B Candidates from Vinnytsia and Vinnytsia region will receive the preference. Applications will be processed on a rolling basis. As soon as proper candidates are found, the call will be closed

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