Програма для проведення досліджень у Стенфорді

Науковці зі Східної Європи, які мають ступінь кандидата наук, можуть подавати заявки на участь у програмі “The Wayne Vucinich Visiting Scholar Fellowship”, яка передбачає 12-місячне академічне пербеування у Стенфорді.

Дедлайн: 14 жовтня 2016 року.

Детальний опис англійською:

The Wayne Vucinich Fellowship is a twelve-week residential fellowship at the Stanford University Center for Russian, East European and Eurasian Studies (CREEES). During the fellowship period (March-June 2016), the Vucinich Fellow is expected to pursue his or her independent research in residency and to participate actively in the scholarly activities of the Center. The fellow will have access to Stanford University Libraries and the Hoover Institution Library and Archives as well as a community of scholars at Stanford. The fellow will hold a lecture, seminar or workshop on his or her research, organized by CREEES.

The fellowship is open to scholars working on the region in any discipline. A PhD in hand is required at the time the residency begins. Preference will be given to scholars who have completed the PhD (or equivalent) in the past five years and who are residents of countries that fall under the direct purview of the Center: Russia, East Europe, the Caucasus, and Central Asia (including Afghanistan).

The fellowship funds international travel, health insurance, and visa support, in addition to a $10,000 stipend for living expenses. In addition to library access, the fellow will have use of a shared work space at the Center.

Interested applicants should submit the following materials:

All materials listed above (with the exception of the letters of recommendation) should be submitted as attachments to the online application form.

Letters of recommendation should be sent as signed pdf documents to:  creeesinfo@stanford.edu

Questions can be directed to creeesinfo@stanford.edu

Джерело: https://creees.stanford.edu/people/visiting-scholars/wayne-vucinich-fellowship

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