Зустріч у Варшаві для молодих професіоналів

Професіонали із досвідом роботи щонайменш 3 роки, активісти та молоді лідери запрошуються до участі в зустрічі «V4 meets EaP initiative».

Дати: 22 – 26 червня 2015 року.

Місце: Варшава, Польща

Дедлайн: 17 травня 2015 року.

Детальний опис англійською:

The V4 meets EaP initiative is an extension of the current Visegrad School of Political studies that aims to promote the collective and individual V4 democratic transition experience to young political, social and governmental leaders and professionals from the Eastern Partnership countries. The V4 meets EaP has brought over 120 participants over the last 2 years from the EaP and V4 to undertake workshops that highlight the regions of EU integration, civil society development and general transition experience.

The V4 meets EaP are divided into several thematic blocks plus skills trainings. Topics discussed during the session cover V4 transition experience, successes & failures in regional V4 cooperation, use of twinning as an institution building tool, EU decision making and lobbying, social media campaigns for political activism, preparing official correspondence, grassroots movements to political parties, youth political party organization, citizen diplomacy & civil society, role of think-tanks in public policy, fighting corruption & political transparency.

The organizers are seeking highly motivated professionals who see to further their knowledge and development. You must have a minimum of 3 years of professional experience. Participants must come from V4 [Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia] and EaP [Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova or Ukraine] countries.

Cost and Scholarship
All accepted participants will receive full scholarship. It includes 5 days of the courses, accommodation, materials, coffee breaks, lunches and diploma. All participants are expected to arrange their own travel, and visa if needed.

Application form needs to be submitted along with your CV. All applicants will be required to submit the CV in Europass format.

Джерело: http://www.visegradschool.org/program/2015-v4-meets-eap/

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