Волонтерські проекти 2016 року в Марокко

Організація “Casa Voluntary Morocco” вчергове влаштовує кілька волонтерських літніх проектів та запрошує до участі українців. Наразі відкрита реєстрація на два проекти, пов’язані із викладанням англійської / французької мов та вивченням арабської.

Детальний опис англійською:

Projects start July 1, 2016

Volunteers will develop personal competences living and working in new environment as well as contribute to local community working on the activities that will foster intercultural learning and dialogue. Important part of the volunteers’ activities are culture courses for local youth in order to promote cultural diversity and tolerance (understanding) towards different cultures.

Contact person: Adam Ben

Organisation: CVW Morocco

Location: Casablanca, Morocco

Application Deadline: June 10, 2016
Start: July 1, 2016
End: August 1, 2016
Program fee: 200 Euro

After the successful of CVW experience in this field, and according to  people’s Requirements, our Organization will go on organizing English and French courses to Children’s and young people aged from 10 to 18 years old with less education sustain opportunities .

Those courses aim to: 

  • Giving the opportunity to young people who have never been in touch or who are in their  first or second year, to discover it or/and to overcome the difficulties they have in those languages.
  • Trying to connect those children with friends from abroad so as to correspond between them in English/French as a tool to promote their English/French knowledge’s and levels and establish new friendship.

Ofen volunteers will run classes in tandem with another internatonal volunteer. When applying for this project, volunteers need to choose either Teaching English or Teaching French.

If you can teach both languages, please outline this on your applicaton form. Please note, volunteers do not need to be qualifed or experienced teachers to partcipate on this project.

Contact person: Yacin Zerhoune

Organisation: CVW Morocco

Location: Casablanca, Morocco
Application Deadline: June 25, 2015
Start: July 1, 2016
End: July 15, 2016
Program fee: 130 Euro
In an Arabic country, CVWM offers incredible Arabic language that take place prior to the Volunteer Project. These Arabic lessons are a MUST as they enhance your total CVWM experience and enable you to converse with the locals. This is an invaluable opportunity for you to develop your Arabic language skills prior to beginning your CVWM Volunteer Project. This course includes cooking lessons and is an exciting introduction to your host country’s culture. You will arrive in your host country for your Arabic Language Program on a Friday , You will be met at the airport by your host family or staff from the CVW TEAM and taken to your host family home for the weekend to settle in before classes begin on Monday. Orientation will take place on Saturday, followed by an excursion/activity and some time on Sunday to get to know your host family. You will be speaking the basics of Arabic in a matter of 15 days while having great fun practicing with your host family and learning about the Arabic Moroccan lifestyle.
This  Program provides you with the opportunity to spend your Holiday  With CVW . As part of this program, You will have the opportunity to experience a culture and a way of life that most tourists miss on the normal tourist trail. You’ll also be immersed in different cultures from around the world.
The program fee covers:
  • Moroccan Hosting Family
  • Welcome meeting
  • Complete immersion in the local culture
  • 24-hour emergency phone
  • Long term experienced staff
  • All meals (unless otherwise stated in field manuals)
  • Location orientation
  • All necessary project training by experienced staff
  • All necessary project equipment and materials
  • Written record of service completion (for volunteers that successfully complete their project)
What Is Not Included:
  • Flights
  • Medical and travel insurance
  • Personal kit
  • Additional drinks and gratuities
  • Extra local excursions

Джерело: http://cvw.webs.com/summer-programs-2016


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