Волонтерський проект в Естонії

МВО “СВІТ-Україна” (www.facebook.com/svit.ukraine) шукає волонтера для MTV проекту в Естонії. Волонтер буде працювати в міжнародному дитячому таборі. Волонтер буде забезпечений харчуванням та проживанням, а також отримуватиме кишенькові гроші.
Дедлайн: 29.03.2018
Волонтер бере на себе витрати за проїзд та оплачує волонтерський внесок (80 євро + 60 грн), проте проживання та харчування забезпечує приймаюча організація.
Плюс волонтер отримує кишенькові гроші у розмірі 30 євро за зміну (їх буде декілька за 2 місяці проекту), також екстра бонуси за хороше виконання своєї роботи та оплачені вихідні в Талліні.

Можливість для тих, хто має досвід праці в дитячих таборах або подібний досвід!

Обов’язки волонтера:

  • informing and preparing the international participants of the specific works and activities;
  • assisting running the camp daily program;
  • monitoring the compliance with the camp´s rules;
  • facilitating the integration of all the participants – local and international;
  • ensuring good group dynamics;
  • facilitating the communication between the camp´s instructors and participants;
  • preparing an running evening camp program;
  • running post camp evaluation.

Зацікавлених просимо надіслати своє резюме та мотиваційний лист на projects@svit-ukraine.org до 29 березня 2018 року.

Більше про проект:

This camp is organized for teenagers by youth sport club Lukas-Basket which has been running national youth camps for 15 years and International ones for the past 4 years. International teenage camps will be hosted on seaside in the West of Estonia in Laanemaa County in the municipality of Nova. Beautiful nature, numerous historical places, 200 years long tradition of health resort, unique cultural events are the treasures of the County. Nova with warm sea, white sand, mushroom and berry crops, several lakes, cobble stone road and many places of interest is ideal place for leisure. The aim of Nova camp is to give

young people possibility to have active, healthy and meaningful summer vacations with different sport adventures, to enjoy unspoiled nature and to learn how to live in harmony with it, also to explore and realize own capacities.

The program will include water activities, sport and ball games, eco-hikes, bicycle trips to places of interest, horse riding, fishing, rowing, sailing with Viking boats, acquaintance with local culture and many other exciting things. “Mens sana in corpore sano”/ “Healthy Spirit in Healthy Body” – this is the message of the camp! Besides, camp gives possibility for intensive contacts between local youth and their peers from abroad, showing youngsters the diversity of world cultures, broadening their horizons and

encouraging active communication through games and creative activities. Finally, there will be some voluntary work for nature protection and to support local community.

The area of the camp is about 3 hectares and it can host over 60 youngsters on one shift. The age of local participants is 13-18. Local teenagers are mainly Russian-speaking of minority communities of Estonia. More information, photos, videos available on www.lukasbasket.eu


There are diverse activities in the program: windsurfing, canoeing, sailing with Viking boats, paintball in the forest, sport games – football, rugby, volleyball, athletics, different competitions, guided eco-hikes, sport orientation, bicycle trips to explore the area, table tennis, visit to the horse farm with horse riding, excursion to Keila waterfall and historical places of interest in the area, bus excursion to Haapsalu to visit Episcopal Castle (www.haapsalulinnus.ee ) and Old Railway Museum, games at Roosta Adventure Park, picnics on the seaside, evening of Estonian national dances and food, making castles from sand and

stones on the beach, fanny party with Estonian sauna, night cinema in open air theatre, Estonian police`s fanny lesson – Feel like a real cop, etc. You can also try to make wooden and woolen handicrafts and kitchen utensils, learn folk dances. In addition there will be creative workshops on manufacturing sheath-knife ́s case from natural leather and decorative burning (scorching) on leather; decoupage; soap-making; wooden handicrafts. Bikes are available for the whole duration of the shift.


There will be diverse voluntary work such as painting of community buildings, making wooden toys and games for local orphanage, repairing benches and tables, cleaning local beach and old seaport from garbage, planting trees, cleaning old cemetery, little renovation works in the local school, clearing pavement, helping seniors living in the community with some household duties, berry picking to give the crop to the orphanage, planting trees, duty in a kitchen and around the camp once in a shift, etc. The work will be organised in close cooperation with local forestry department, municipality of Nova and local

school. Please note that the work above is planned for the whole summer and it will change from shift to shift depending on a season and actual weather conditions.

For Mid-term volunteer camp leader the tasks will be:

  • informing and preparing the international participants of the specific works and activities;
  • assisting running the camp daily program;
  • monitoring the compliance with the camp ́s rules;
  • facilitating the integration of all the participants – local and international;
  • keeping contact with the local population;
  • facilitating the communication between the camp ́s instructors and participants;
  •  preparing an running evening camp program;
  • running post camp evaluation.


In the military and tourist tents by the local school, nearby to the seaside (100m). It is also possible to get accommodation in small wooden houses. Sleeping bag and mat are required. All facilities like showers, toilets are provided in the school. You will also try traditional Estonian sauna.


Three times a day. There are also multiple water machines with cold water in the school complex. Catering takes place in the school ́s mess hall or into the lager tent outside near the mess. Meals are cooked by professional cooks. Participants will be asked to help cleaning.


Nova is one of 11 municipalities of Laanemaa with about 400 inhabitants, located on the seaside 90 km west from capital of Estonia Tallinn and 40 km north from Haapsalu, famous spa town with many historic and cultural sites. More information on http://www.novavald.ee/index.php/1

The camp is located on Nova basic School ́s territory (www.nova.edu.ee)

General requirements

Participants have to be sporty (e.g. be ready to run up to 3 km, bike up to 25 km), curious and interested in active life style. Please inform us beforehand about allergies, dietary requirements you have or others prescriptions from your doctor. Please bring sleeping bag and mat, wind and waterproof clothes, goods shoes, warm and summer clothes. It’s desirable to take thermal underwear. The main age of participants is 14-17, however exceptions are possible.

Smoking, drinking alcohol, using drugs is absolutely prohibited in the camp!

Camp languages are English and Russian.

Specific requirements to the camp leader:

  • min. age is 20 years old
  • experience in volunteering (preferably as a group leader)
  • good English and Russian language skills
  • some knowledge of French or Italian is an advantage
  • good physical shape
  • good communication skills, patience, empathy, positive thinking
  • readiness to work in a team of different people without losing your good mood is essential
  • independence, initiative, good self-organisation, responsibility
  • driving skills are desirable.

Conditions and benefits:

  • Accommodation and food will be provided for free
  • Pocket money min 30 Euro per shift
  • Extra bonuses for the very good work, including additional payment
  • some free days in Tallinn with accommodation in apartment will be given and paid.

Besides, through this experience you will develop important skills that you will use in your professional life such as project and team management, group leading, you will improve your language skills, etc.

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