Волонтерський проект у Каталонії

МВО “СВІТ-Україна” (www.facebook.com/svit.ukraine) шукає волонтера для довгострокового волонтерського  проекту в Каталонії. Цей проект НЕ EVS, тому він навіть для тих, хто вже брав участь в EVS та кому більше 30 років. Волонтер буде працювати в організації, що піклується про людей з обмеженими інтелектуальними можливостями. Волонтер буде забезпечений харчуванням та проживанням, а також отримуватиме кишенькові гроші.
31.01.2018 – для тих, хто планує почати в квітні або в липні
31.03.2018 – для тих, хто планує почати у вересні
Внесок солідарності — 80 євро

“LTV in Catalonia”


1 volunteer starting mid April 2018
1 volunteer starting July 2018
2 volunteers starting September 2018

SVIT-Ukraine together with Servei Civil Internacional Catalunya is looking for motivated long term volunteers for a project FADEAM Els Avets Community in Catalonia!

Project description:
FADEAM- Fundación Els Avets de Moià is a non-profit public utility, partially funded by the Government of Catalonia. The attention is based on the relationship established with the people with disabilities in order to achieve a household and integrative dimension. Our aim is to offer to the people with intellectual disabilities in our region and surroundings a place to live and work and help in their integration into society. We also have a large team of professionals to aid people and volunteers.

The volunteers will take part in daily activities related to attention to the people with disabilities, activities in the community, the home dynamics and teamwork.
1. Attention to the people:
– Support to staff in charge of accompanying users in their daily activities.
– Help with the monitoring of the PIR (individual programme)
2. Home dynamics:
– Help with the quality of the co-existence and relations in the home.
– Collaborate in planning activities in and outside the home
3. Team work :
– Participate with all the home team
– Participate actively in all meetings proposed
4. Material matters:
– Within the global educational project of the centre, collaborate with the care of the house, equipment, garden…
These activities are not routine, as this is a comprehensive daily life project where all activities are related with a relational and vital living model.
5. Community matters:
– Collaborate in maintaining an attitude of respect and openness to know the characteristics of the Arche communities – Participate in community activities such as feasts, fairs, celebrations, community meetings…


  • Willing to know people with intellectual disabilities
  • Willing to have a co-existence experience and community life
  • Willing to get involved in the organisation and its project
  • Responsible attitude
  • Basic knowledge of Spanish language and interest to learn Catalan (the language spoken in our area, together with Spanish). Knowing the basics of the language helps to communicate with people with disabilities and with the integration of the volunteer

Is included in the project. The volunteer will eat in the house. All meals are included.

The volunteer will lodge in the same house with disabled people. This means that he/she will get a single bedroom and a key of the house so he/she can enter or leave the house at every moment.

Pocket money
150 EUR (per month)

It is recommended to stay from 6 months to 1 year, starting from April 2018 (period to be agreed

In Moià, Catalunya.

1 volunteer starting mid April 2018
1 volunteer starting July 2018
2 volunteers starting September 2018

Candidates can apply until end of January for April and July calls; and until end of March for September call.

Write to projects@svit-ukraine.org and tell us you are interested in our projects.
We will be in touch!

You can obtain further information and view the Infosheet:

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