Волонтерство в Магдебурзі

Володієш німецької на хорошому розмовному рівні та маєш навики графічного дизайну? Бажаєш реалізовувати власні проекти? Тоді ця можливість саме для тебе!

Коли: Жовтень 2019 – Жовтень 2020 (12 місяців)
Де: Магдебург, Німеччина
Дедлайн: ASAP – заявки розглядатимуться по мірі надходження!

The Auslandsgesellschaft Sachsen-Anhalt (AGSA) is an NGO organization with more than 38 member organizations, working in the areas of development policy, European and international exchanges and the integration of immigrants into German society. The organization offers activities such as: educational work in development policy, tolerance between people with different cultural background, consultation of migrants and promotion of refugee protection, immigration and integration. Volunteers involved in AGSA are involved in international and local youth projects.

Tasks include:
* Assisting in the preparation, implementation and follow-up of the international youth project “Eurocamp”
* Supporting in the organisation of the Intercultural Week, Rathausfest, Sachsen-Anhalt-Tag and other local projects
* Assisting in the planning and implementation of events in One-World Hause
* Organising and implementing the “Language café” twice a month
* Organising and implementing an event during Europe Week
* Visiting events as a representative of AGSA
* Designing flyers, posters etc.
* General office activities
* Organising and implementing own project ideas
* Further tasks depending on the previous experience / personal focus of the volunteer

Volunteer Profile:
We are looking for young people 18-30 years old, interested in international and local youth work. Some prior experience in working with young people is a plus. As the working language in AGSA is German, German knowledge is an advantage as well as open personality, teamwork, self-confidence and independence in working and ability to come up with ideas of his/her own. Knowledge of design is also a plus.

In order to apply, please send your CV and motivation letter to lilit.ghazaryan@agsa.de, indicating in the topic line
– ESC “Live and learn in the One-World House”-

Don’t forget to indicate, that your sending organization is Kharkiv non-governmental association for active youth “Stella”.


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