Новий рік – нові можливості! Лови 4 волонтерства!

Новий рік – нові можливості! Відразу 4 довгострокових волонтерства у Німеччині від НГО “Стелла”.

Дедлайн для всіх проектів – 12/01/2020!

1) Project in the Jugendbildungsstätte Unterfranken (Youth Education Centre) in Würzburg (Germany) from 01.09.2020 till 31.08.2021


Volunteer profile

18-30 y.o. The volunteer should be motivated to take part in the Project and have some ideas connected with the topic of the organisation (please specify your interest in the Motivation letter).

2) Project in kindergarten – Kita an der Löwenbrücke – in Würzburg from 01.09.2020 till 31.08.2021


Volunteer profile

18-30 y.o. The volunteer should be motivated and interested in working with children and outdoor activities. Please read about the project carefully and prepare your motivation letter why are you interested in this particular project

3) Project in Sportclub Heuchelhof in Würzburg (Germany) from 01.09.2020 till 31.08.2021


Volunteer profile

We are looking for a volunteer (18-30 y.o.) interested in working with children and with sport and outdoor activities. Knowledge of German language will be an advantage

4) Project in the Don Bosco Berufschule in Würzburg (Germany) from 08.09.2020 till 07.08.2021


Volunteer profile

We are looking for a volunteer (18-30 years old) who is motivated to take part in the Project. Knowledge of German language will be an advantage

How to apply?

If you are interested in these projects, please send your CV and motivation letter (please write THE NAME of the project and why are you interested in this particular project!) to anastazja.zydor@jubi-unterfranken.de.

You can apply for different projects with different e-mails and motivation letters!

Don’t forget to indicate that your sending organization is


PIC – 947609200,

Contact person – Nika Bunziak,

Tel +380977156420,

Email – info@ngo-stella.org

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