Волонтерство в Австрії: унікальний молодіжний центр та вільне радіо

НГО “Стелла” шукає учасників для довгострокового волонтерства у Австрії! 2 супер вакансії: вільне радіо та креативний молодіжний центр!

Детальніше – англійською мовою.

1) Volunteering at Radiofabrik

Radiofabrik is Salzburg’s Community Radio – that means independent, non-commercial, non-profit orientated and with free and public access for everyone to the opportunity of broadcasting. It is the radio with the most freedom of speech and variety of opinions in Salzburg. It offers a platform to different people, especially to those who don’t have a voice in other media because of social, racist, sexist or other kind of discrimination. Our aim is to encourage civil society, the communication between cultures and generations and the equality of the sexes.

More information about Radiofabrik: http://www.akzente.net/fachbereiche/erasmus-jugend-in-aktion-europaeisches-solidaritaetskorps-esk/dein-freiwilligenprojekt-ab-ins-ausland/volunteering-vacancies-in-salzburg/radiofabrik/

Duration: 01.07.2019-30.06.2020

Please send your CV & motivational letter to volunteering.salzburg@akzente.net until 17.03.2019!

Indicate as subject: “Volunteering at Radiofabrik”


2) Volunteering at MARK.freizeit.Kultur

MARK started its work as a youth center more than 40 years ago. Today MARK is much more than a youth center! At Mark you can find concerts and art exhibitions, a silkscreen printing workshop, a bike workshop, an open wardrobe where everybody can bring and take free cloths, vegan meals and much more. MARK is also publishing an own magazine and a radio show.

More information about MARK: http://www.akzente.net/fachbereiche/erasmus-jugend-in-aktion-europaeisches-solidaritaetskorps-esk/dein-freiwilligenprojekt-ab-ins-ausland/volunteering-vacancies-in-salzburg/markfreizeitkultur/

Duration: 01.09.2019-28.02.2020

Please send your CV & motivational letter to volunteering.salzburg@akzente.net until 31.03.2019!

Indicate as subject: “Volunteering at MARK”



In the subject of the e-mail please write name of the EVS placement you are applying for and also indicate that your sending organization is the Non-governmental organization “Kharkiv association for active youth “Stella” (PIC 947609200).

Бажаємо успіхів!

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