НГО “Стелла” шукає учасника для 11-місячного волонтерства в Словаччині

? Місце: Stará Ľubovňa

? Дати: якомога скоріше (проект на 11 місяців)

? Вік: від 18 до 30 років

? Фінансування:  всі витрати, фінансуються приймаючою стороною (проїзд, харчування, проживання, страхування та кишенькові гроші) в рамках проекту Ерасмус+

ℹ️ Умови: інтерес до волонтерства та бажання працювати з дітьми та молоддю.

Приймаюча організація – Centrum volneho casu, Stará Ľubovňa https://www.cvc.sk/

Type of the work –  work with children and youth in Leisure time activities centre.

We are governmental institution. The target group – children and youth in age between 6- 26. Our work is oriented on areas of culture, sport, environment, crafts, social science and tourism by making activities for children and their parents. Our activities are organised through clubs, interest groups, informal groups, meetings, bigger social activities as for example “Santa Claus Day “, Parents and children day and activities during the summer holiday /like summer camps, international summer camps and big national activites as a Key of Stara Lubovna castle/ . Altogether there are 30 clubs and interest groups. In avarage we provide 100 different meetings including competition on various themes for one year. We also cooperate with NGOs in our region to be able to prepare variety of interest activities for children and youth : international exchanges, building our sports ground, helping talented young people with presenting their work in the public. We are also preparing activities for children with social problems and Sant Nicolas day for dissabled children.

⚠In order to apply please send your CV and motivation letter to evs@ngo-stella.org until 3 November 23:59

In the subject of your e-mail please indicate «EVS in Stará Ľubovňa»


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