Потрібні волонтери на короткостроковий проєкт в Туреччині

НГО “Стелла” шукає волонтерів на короткостроковий проєкт в Туреччині

Коли: 01/07/2020- 28/08/2020

Де: Газіантеп, Туреччина

Дедлайн: заявки будуть розглядатися по мірі надходження, поспішайте!

?About organization:

Gaziantep Eğitim ve Gençlik Derneği (GEGED) was established in 2007 in Gaziantep city by some teachers and local volunteers who had done EVS before. Since 2007 GEGED has hosted around 750 volunteers and send over 500 local volunteers to YIA projects and EVS.

GEGED is like a volunteer bank of the town within a network. It is a well known and trusted non-govermental organisation. In our voluntary network there are youth centres, schools, refugee support non formal education centres, Daily care centre for Orphans, sport places, hospitals, municipality and other public bodies.

Our Mission is to create a strong youth with key competences and new skills, knowledge and competencies in social life and help the peace on the World among young people from different cultures, backgrounds, ethnics and races. We also promote youth works and voluntary works to Show people that there are many things to do together which can’t be left undone and they need free willingness.


✔ Help GEGED’s youth campaigns, workshops and daily issues

✔ Join teaching activities and game hours with Syrian and Afghan Kids in refugee support non-formal education centres

✔ Join teaching activities and game hours in orphanage

✔ Motivating and educating Leukemia Children in Oncology hospital classroom

✔ Take role in English conversation clubs with young people

✔ Join Turkish and Arabic language courses given by local volunteers

✔ Help with organisation for our intercultural evenings

✔ Open Spaces that volunteers can contribute their own ideas and workshops

✔ Environmental Campaigns, planting trees, greening and cleaning nature (rarely)

✔ Work with a big team

You can choose participating in all of our activities or select the ones which are more interesting for you

?Financial conditions

The project is funded by the Erasmus+ Programme. All expenses for visa, insurance, accommodation, food and international travel costs are fully covered. The volunteer will also receive pocket money monthly.

⚠In order to apply please send your CV and motivation letter to evs@ngo-stella.org as soon as possible.

If you are between 18-30 years old and motivated to join the project you are welcome. We are not looking for experts or professionals, your graduation, department, language level is not a barrier for us to join. But your interest, motivation and smiling face, readiness to be in a big international team are very important for us.

In the subject of your e-mail please indicate «EVS in GEGED»

⭐ Не втрачайте свій шанс стати частиною дружної волонтерської родини!⭐

Треба швидко написати успішний мотиваційний лист ВЖЕ на сьогодні? Ось тримай 3 короткі відеолекції про 3 різних приклади мотиваційних есе, автор яких отримала стипендію та участь у бажаній освітній програмі. На курс піде +- година часу.

Потрібна повна підтримка для вступу чи пошуку програми за кордоном від А до Я? Консультації, допомога, дієві інструменти? Чекаємо в онлайн-спільноті «UniStudy Community”.

Більше безкоштовних актуальних порад та секретів шукай в рубриці КОРИСНЕ.

А щоб не пропустити жодного дедлайну програми, скачай Календар освітніх можливостей 2020.  Відкриємо секрет: він «вічний», тобто більшість програм повторюється із року в рік.

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