Термінова можливість волонтерства у Польщі на шість місяців

Pangeya Ultima шукає учасників віком 18-30 років на проект Європейського Корпусу Солідарності (ESC) в Кельці, Польща.

Дати перебування волонтера/ки на проекті: Серпень 2021 – Січень 2022.

Opportunity: European Solidarity Corps “Volunteer. More”

Dates: August 2021 – January 2022 (6 months)

Location: Kielce, Poland

Hosting Organization: Regionalne Centrum Wolontariatu

About the project

In the context of a European exchange, volunteers are needed to promote European values in a cultural and linguistic exchange program. They will be brought to share their culture and respective languages in active participation in community life. For this purpose, volunteering will take place in different institutions of cultural exchange in the city. Namely: The Cultural Center of Kielce, The Public Library, and Stanislaw Staszic Primary School No. 1.

The Organizers

The Regionalne Centrum Wolontariatu is an association that organizes socio-cultural activities, artistic and cultural events at a local and regional level but also hosting European volunteers since 2011. The trainers and coaches here cooperate with the School of Leaders, Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights and the National Institute of Freedom. In the end, the Regional Volunteer Center is one of the most active NGOs in the region. The Association cooperates with institutions with various activities, as for example: cultural, caring, social, sports, student, ecological organizations and institutions As a result, it organizes and promotes events related to these areas and help to involve volunteers in local activities.

Main tasks

As a volunteer from the Europan solidarity Corps program, your role is to take an active part in the promotion of European values, civic activity, cultural diversity.
You will have to prepare exhibitions presenting interesting facts from your country. You will also have access to weekly Polish classes and be in contact with a mentor and other volunteers (2 hours a week) on-site to make this experience more enriching in the European sharing spirit.

Cultural Center (Kielce Centrum Kultury)

As a volunteer in this institution, you will have to promote and organize cultural events (concerts, performances, exhibitions, meetings with authors, educational and theatrical workshops), in accordance with the current schedule of events. You are going to take part at each step of the process: preparatory activities, the realization of the event and evaluation activities of individual events – in the KCK – service of stage facilities – care for foreign artists and guests, service of dressing rooms, assistance with rehearsals, planning the stay associated with the performance, service of the audience of the Small and Large Stage.

• promotion of cultural events in Kielce Cultural Centre (promotion in social media, promotional trips to other organizations, distribution of promotional materials, working with a graphic designer creating promotional materials)
• assistance in organizing cultural education, artistic education, art education, theater classes with adult children and seniors (care of participants, assistance in organizing and conducting workshops),
• organization of exhibitions in the Gallery of Contemporary Art Elevator

  • assistance in creating an English-speaking website of the Kielce Cultural Center
  • assistance in the distribution of tickets for events organized
    • animation of the education zone
    Cultural center web site : https://www.kck.com.pl/

Library (Miejska Biblioteka Publiczna)

A pair of volunteers will:
• conduct language talks (based on books and magazines in the language library).

  • support the cleaning work of librarians (take care of the order on the shelves with a foreign-language book collection, clean the shelves, arrange the book collection, preserves books).
    • actively help in organizing cultural events, educational activities and reading animations.
    • help in preparing promotional materials for the library.
    • organize and run circles of interest in one’s own country, both for children and seniors.
  • cooperate in running the Discussion Book Club.
    • assist in lending foreign-language books (help with literature selection, suggestions for readers).
    • Helping to organize the Toddler’s Club, where moms will have a chance to rest, integrate with other moms while their children will take part in classes
    • familiarizing themselves with the culture and traditions of their country, the literature.
  • promote the activities of the library in the local environment (by distributing invitations, posters and leaflets, e.g. in dormitories and cooperating institutions).
  • Assist in the translation of language texts.
    • Help to keep photographic documentation of the library’s activities.
  • Assist in the organization of events aimed at increasing the level of leadership in the region
    • Assist with works and projects of media publication in VR reality format.
  • Participates in internal meetings with library staff.
    Municipal library web site: www.mbp.kielce.pl

Primary School (Szkola Podstawowa nr 1 im. Stanislawa Staszica)

The primary school has planned a 36-hour time slot, including: 22 with children in the facility.

  • 3 hours – extra-curricular activities developing interests and talents, (1 hour of the “Single Notes” choir, 1 hour of the School of Nature “Curious of the World”, 1 hour of the school circle artistic “Kredka” 1 hour of the School Circle of the League of Nature Protection, 1 hour of classes developing hobbies and interests of chess students,
  • 3 hours of sports activities,
  • 1 hour Geographic-Touristic School “With a backpack through Kielce”)
  • 2 hours of billiard workshops with children as part of the SKS extra-curricular activities,
  • 2 hours of dance workshops as part of the SKS extra-curricular activities,
  • 9 hours – extra-curricular activities as part of psychological and pedagogical assistance
  • 3 hours of corrective and compensatory classes, 1 hour of teaching and compensatory classes in English, 1 hour of learning Polish as part of extra-curricular activities Journalist Association,
  • 1 hour a week – classes in the school daycare center
  • 4 hours a week as part of the School Volunteer Circle


  • 1 day per month -a visit to another school, kindergarten, or other institution
  • 1 hour – classes with a school consultant, class planning and discussions
  • 4 hours – preparation for classes
  • 4 hours – preparing the exits, organizing tournaments, games and plays in the facility Volunteers will also cooperate with the Student Council and the Parents Council in organizing annual vacations, fairs, competitions, sports tournaments, and festivals.

As part of the solidarity activities undertaken to counteract social exclusion, they will support charity activities and the Volunteer Schools Association. They will participate in international campaigns promoting children and human rights, e.g. UNICEF and the campaign “Orange Ribbon – 19 days against violence and abuse of children and youth”. They will work for the benefit of the local community, cooperating with many institutions and target groups, including parents and seniors. Guests will also be involved in community initiatives within the framework of the “Health Promoting School” project.
Primary school web site: http://sp1.kielce.eu/

Travel costs & Reimbursement 

You can easily reach Poland by plane or European bus lines passing through Warsaw or Krakow and then Kielce by train. Travel costs will be covered according to the distance bands allowances of Erasmus+, how it was applied for and approved. Please, be aware that individual kilometer distances might be further than allowed reimbursement.

Travel costs will be reimbursed after receiving all documents from all participants. Meals will be provided with extra money that the centrum Wolontariatu will give every month for food after opened a bank account on site. As a volunteer you will be hosted in a shared flat or in a student residence enough close to the center to reach it on foot or by buses easily. Of course, a deposit will be required to guarantee the upkeep of the premises during your stay. A transportation pass will be given to you upon your arrival.

Deadline: As Soon As Possible

Please, fill out the google form here: https://forms.gle/PwNGbZ3VvAbHQS9y8

If you have any questions, please, write us to pangeya.ultima.mobility@gmail.com

N/B Candidates from Vinnytsia and Vinnytsia region will receive the preference. Applications will be processed on a rolling basis.

European Solidarity Corps covers: accommodation, pocket money, money for food, transportation, insurance, visa assistance, training during the project and learning the national language.


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