Волонтерство у поселенні вікінгів

НГО “Стелла” шукає бажаючих для короткострокового 2-місячного волонтерства у поселенні вікінгів. Такий початок літа ти точно запам’ятаєш надовго! Детальніше – англійською мовою.

Short-term Solidarity Corps volunteering project “Back to the nature”

Start date: 1st June 2019

Duration: 2 months

Place: Lithuania, Širvintos

Deadline: 1st March 2019

ABOUT: Viking’s village is the newly established living history museum of X – XIII century, where people can feel the spirit and life of ancient times: cook food on the bonfire, ground the flour, collect herbs, sew traditional clothes, live like hundreds of years ago, etc. Also, in the knight’s zone people can try to wear ancient armours, suits, use the swords and feel like real ancient knight.


June: volunteers could join educations for children in living history museum in different spheres: ancient warfare traditions, ancient cuisine, ancient board-games and leisure time.

July: volunteers could join different activities in the children and family camps, also join the new projects of the development of living history museum and its environment: planting ancient flower gardens, carving, working with wood, decorating ancient buildings and fences, rabbit house building, etc. During the summer Viking’s village are visiting different kind of ancient history festivals in different cities where are organizing board-games and crafts so volunteers will be welcome there too.

 Expectations for volunteer:

– 18-30 years old,

– Motivation to learn new things and take challenges with open heart;

– Motivation and preparation for activities in the nature;

– Being interested in ancient history;

– Good mood!


 If YOU are interested in:

– Living history;

– traditional culture;

– ancient crafts;

– working with kids



How to apply?

Для того, щоб подати заявку на проект, будь ласка, надішліть своє CV та мотиваційний лист на evs@ngo-stella.org та поясніть вашу мотивацію участі у проекті.

В темі листа зазначте “Short-term in Lithuania”.

Day in Viking’s village:

Нагадуємо, що після короткострокового проекту ще є можливість для довгострокового волонтерства до 10 місяців!

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