Відео-конкурс із Франції на тему молоді та європейських цінностей

Дуже цікавий конкурс із Франції для тих, кому до вподоби розробляти або ж зніматися у невеличких роліках, хто має цікаві та креативні ідеї та хоче виграти приз!

Зробіть відео, не довше за 3 хвилинки, за сюжетом – “To be 20, a part to play and get involved!” та виграйте свій приз від Національної Агенції у Франції. А автори перших 20 найкращих відео отримають European Youth Card, що дає близько 60000 знижок по всій Європі (спорт, культура, готелі тощо).

Цікаво? Тоді читайте більше інформації англійською мовою та поширюйте інформацію серед друзів, яким це може бути цікаво.

Будь ласка, якщо ви вирішите приймати участь у конкурсі, напишіть нам про ваш інтерес на info@ngo-stella.org.

Детальний опис англійською:

The EVS film festival is back. This year, our video contest echoes with the 20th anniversary of the European Voluntary Service and the involvement of the European Youth! We are waiting for your video until September 3rd.

The EVS film festival, the video contest on Youth citizenship initiated by the French Erasmus+ Agency for Youth & Sport is back.
The European Erasmus + program guides and supports everyday youth citizen involvement, particularly through the European Voluntary Service.
For this 4th edition, in link with the 20th EVS anniversary, we invite you to illustrate the sentence: “To be 20, a part to play and get involved!” So share with us your vision of Youth involvement into the society, in all its forms.
In the first 3 editions, nearly 200 videos were posted by young people from across all Europe, demonstrating a huge civic engagement.

How to participate?

The 2016 edition is opened to people from 13 to 35 years old and living in Europe. Participants must post a video lasting less than 3 minutes that illustrates a vision of youth participation and citizenship.
All practical information about the video contest (participation modalities, rules and regulations, prize list … ) are available online and especially on the rules and regulations of the contest.

2 steps to participate:
1. Videos must be downloaded on the WeTransfer platform <http://www.wetransfert.com/> and the link must be reported to us through the registration form.

2. Fill the Registration form online.

The contest closing date is September 3rd, 2016.

3 Prizes will be awarded by a jury including one special for a video provided by a European voluntary EVS

You want to be inspired? Take a look at the EVSFF teaser:

Thank you to the Association Action! and the Montreuil young videographers….

Take part in this contest is also an opportunity to participate in a “special” weekend in Montreuil (France) September 22-23, 2016 to celebrate the EVS 20th anniversary and the Youth participation.

This year, the French Erasmus+ Agency for Youth & Sport is a partner of the official launch of the European Youth Card in France. On this occasion and for the 20 years of EVS, the best 20 participants of the video contest for EVS Film Festival 2016 will win a European Youth Card: more than 60,000 discounts and benefits for young people between 12 and 30 years in many areas (sports, leisures, culture, mobility) throughout Europe.

This competition is organized with the support of Ministry in charge of urban policy, Youth and Sports ,the City of Montreuil , CaféBabel, Agence du Service civique, , Action ! and Carte Jeunes Européenne.

Follow us on Twitter with #EVSFF / Facebook

Contact : evsfilmfestival@gmail.com


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