Форум з молодіжної співпраці: exploring the present and navigating the future

Назва проєкту: V4-EaP YOUTH VIRTUAL EVENT: Exploring the present and navigating the future

Формат: Conference – Symposium – Forum, online, Poland

Коли: 2 October 2020

Дедлайн: 24 серпня, результати про відбір – 2 вересня

Для кого: Youth workers, Youth leaders, Youth project managers


From July 1, 2020 to June 30, 2021, Poland will hold the presidency of the Visegrad Group (V4). It is a regional cooperation forum of four Central European countries: the Czech Republic, Poland, Slovakia, Hungary.

The cooperation combines not only neighborhood and similar geopolitical conditions, but also common history, culture and traditions.

Work under V4 focuses on European issues, strengthening political and energy stability in the region, promotion of the cultural community, as well as cooperation in the development of transport infrastructure, education and student exchange. On February 15, 2021, the Visegrad Group will celebrate its 30th anniversary.

Symbolically, but it was in the Visegrad country that the Eastern Partnership (EaP) began, which was launched during the EU Summit on May 7, 2009 in Prague. From the very beginning, the Visegrad Group pays special attention to supporting cooperation with its eastern neighbors. This area will also be a priority for the future Polish presidency. The Foundation for the Development of the Education System is a key partner of the Visegrad Group in implementing actions to strengthen people-to-people contacts with the Eastern Partnership countries under Community youth programs.

THEMATIC FOCUS: “Youth cooperation between V4 and EaP: exploring the present and navigating the future!”

The main TOPICS of the V4-EaP Youth Event include:

  • Achievements of youth cooperation between V4 and EaP countries;
  • COVID-19: challenges and responsibilities towards young people.

Expected RESULTS of the Youth Summit:

  • Sharing and celebration of inspirational practices of youth cooperation between V4 and EaP countries;
  • Harvesting conclusions for navigating future opportunities for youth cooperation beyond 2020.

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