Вакансія в посольстві US Embassy in Kyiv

Позиція: Community Management Coordinator/Social Media and Content Coordinator

Де: US Embassy in Kyiv

Дедлайн: 19 вересня

The Community Management Coordinator works under the direct supervision of the Assistant Information Officer (AIO), and has no supervisory responsibilities. An incumbent is responsible for building and maintaining Mission flagship digital properties (social media, website content); for developing a year-long editorial calendar designed to promote Mission priorities with on-line communities; researching and analyzing evolving markets for Mission digital properties; and customizing content and online engagement to promote Mission objectives. Organizes and hosts online conversations; designs and develops innovative engagement opportunities and tools. Provides guidance to PD Public Engagement staff and other Mission personnel who engage with online communities on standards, regulations, and policies for the use of digital properties.

Вимоги до досвіду

EXPERIENCE: A minimum of 3 (three) years of progressively responsible experience in a multilingual, multicultural or multinational organization is required. Market research and audience analysis, as well as design and execution of online campaigns must be a significant components of the job. Must have experience managing digital properties, including direct online interaction with the public, and content creation in multimedia and traditional formats.

JOB KNOWLEDGE: Must have comprehensive knowledge of the attitudes and communication preferences of target audience groups. Must understand the regional, demographic, ethnic, socio-economic, cultural and linguistic factors and the influence of religious, cultural, and educational institutions in shaping host country opinions and preferences. Must have strong online communications and analysis skills to identify and exploit engagement opportunities. Must understand management of digital properties and online communities, including marketing and/or advocacy campaigns. Knowledge of trends in regional and international communications patterns and how they affect host country communications landscape is required.

Анкета для подачі своєї кандидатури – тут






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