Тренінг для тренерів “Understanding Europe”

Організація “Молодіжний Європейський парламент – Україна” запрошує до участі в тренінгу для тренерів.

Дедлайн: 26 листопада.

Детальний опис англійською:

EYP-Ukraine (https://www.facebook.com/eyp.ukraine/) in cooperation with Schwarzkopf-Stiftung Junges Europa and German Foreign Office opens a call for applications for Understanding Europe project T4T (train-the-trainer event).

The event will take place in Kyiv between 11th and 13th of December. All costs are covered and travel expenses will be reimbursed. Deadline is for applicants is 26th of November. You can find more information on the event here: http://goo.gl/8UH6bq. The registration form is here: https://goo.gl/owA6vj

Do not hesitate to follow the updates on Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/events/1650700985205242/) and VK (https://vk.com/ue.training15).

What: Training for Trainers of Understanding Europe project
When: 11-13 of December
Where: Kyiv
Costs: all covered and travel expenses will be reimbursed
Deadline: 26th of November
Project overview: goo.gl/XDCLJi

If you have any questions about the EU Compact Course and the project Understanding Europe, please contact Maryna Titarenko (understanding.europe@eyp-ua.org, +38 095 317 66 92).


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