Літня школа для науковців та аспірантів у галузі освіти

Науковці та аспіранти у галузі освіти запрошуються до участі в літній школі, організованій Українською освітньою дослідницькою асоціацією спільно з Державним департаментом США.

Дати: 17 – 20 серпня 2016 року.

Місце: Львів.

Дедлайн: 15 червня.

Детальна інформація щодо програми, критеріїв відбору та способу подання заявкиCall for applications_The First UERA Summer School

Детальний опис англійською:

The Summer School is a 3.5-day intensive research training organised by the newly established Ukrainian Educational Research Association (UERA) and supported by the United States Department of State grant for the US-programmes alumni.

What is the purpose?

The primary objective of the summer school is to select 30 prospective trainers representing all geographical regions of Ukraine (as defined by the UN Resolution ‘Ukraine’s Territorial Integrity’ (March 27, 2014)) and train them in the critical aspects of research design, grant-writing, methodology and publications. The trainers will be required to provide similar trainings in their respective universities within 3 months after attending the summer school. The willingness to actively participate in the future UERA research projects is the prerequisite for participating in the summer school. The selection for the summer school is competitive to ensure the success of the training.

Who are the participants?

The school will bring 30 early- and mid-career researchers from all over Ukraine and the US-programme alumni for mutual exchange of expertise in advances in education research. Ten places in the School will be reserved for the representatives from Displaced Universities in Ukraine. The workshops will be conducted in English and Ukrainian. However, the knowledge of English is a must for understanding the School’s content. The prior engagement in CPD (continuous professional development) activities for colleagues is also important because school participants will be required to give similar trainings upon return to their home universities. The conference organisers will reimburse travel and accommodation expenses for all selected participants.

What is the preliminary programme?

The UERA summer school will cover the following topics:

  1. Day One: ‘Research communication’
  • UERA goals and objectives
  • Effective communication: CVs and cover letters
  • Research design
  • Research ethics
  • Getting published
  • Getting funded
  • Disseminating research at conferences: paper and poster presentations
  1. Day Two: ‘Research methodology’
  • TALIS (The OECD Teaching and Learning International Survey)
  • Surveys: design and implementation
  • Interviews and focus groups
  • Action research
  • Evaluation studies
  1. Day Three: ‘Research in Action’
  • Establishing research groups
  • Research design in action
  • TALIS groups meeting
  • Strategic planning
  • Accountability and next steps

How will the prospective trainers be selected?
Based on the following essential and desirable criteria.
Essential criteria:

  • Early- or mid-career professional (PhD student, post-doctoral researcher, Assistant or Associate Professor) affiliated with one of the Ukrainian higher education institution;
  • Working in one of the social science discipline with the focus on empirical research within the fields of education reform, education policy, leadership, comparative education, sociology of education, youth studies, student voice and wellbeing, teacher and student identity, teaching methods, advances in English language teaching, etc;
  • Good command of English as demonstrated by TOEFL (64 and above) or IELTS (5 and above) test scores. If you do not have test scores available, we will organise a skype interview for you with the selection committee conducted in English;
  • Evidence of empirical research demonstrated through publications (priority will be given to applicants who have publications in international peer-reviewed journals). If publications are not available, in exceptional circumstances, an advanced draft of the paper which will be evaluated by the Selection Committee.

Desirable criteria:

  • The existing links with the UERA research projects would be an advantage;
  • The evidence of trainings and CPD (continuous professional development) activities offered to colleagues as the participants will be required to conduct similar trainings at their home universities;
  • Evidence of active professional development as demonstrated by completing online courses (such as https://www.edx.org/ and https://www.coursera.org/ ) and joint projects with affiliated international organisations.

How to apply?

Please fill in the application form (https://form.jotformeu.com/61251721651347) and upload there the following supporting documents in English by June 15th, 2016:

  • CV (up to 3 pages with the list of publications (including publications in international peer-reviewed journals));
  • Cover letter (up to 700 words) that should cover two main points: (1) explanation of how the Summer School will benefit your career development (up to 500 words), and (2) outline of the future training (in light of the workshop topics at the Summer School) to be offered at your home institution, explaining the target audience, dates and other details (up to 200 words);
  • Scanned copy of your English test score certificate (if applicable).

If you have any questions about the application process, please do not hesitate to contact us on UERASummerSchool@gmail.com with the e-mail subject line (lower case letters): summer school question

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